-Chapter 6 Class-

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Content Warning : Bullying I guess but Draco sucks at bullying

Potions class was weird, to say the least. Professor Snape was a very hostile man although I was able to avoid his insults by sitting in the back and simply doing my work. We worked on a cure for boils with the person next to us in my case Longbottom. From his shaky hands and his habit of forgetting things, I knew that potions would be hard for him.

"Alright Longbottom, now you need to heat it," I instructed trying to be as nice as possible to the boy who seemed very embarrassed at needing my help. I wouldn't dare have him go through the nightmare of asking Snape a question. He seems to fear this man more than anything. "Now wave your wand and wait." I directed.

We had to leave it heating for 35 minutes before completing the next step so I was stuck doing the thing I despise the most; small talk. I awkwardly sat there waiting for the time to pass. "So, uh did you ever find your toad?"

"Right before I was about to get sorted I found Trevor on the floor. I kind of humiliated myself by being loud about it but I'm just happy I found him." I smiled at him finding it endearing how much he seems to care for his pet.

"That's great Longbottom," I said whilst reading over the next instructions listed in the textbook. The fizzing sound coming from the cauldron adds to the noise of people talking in the classroom. We waited in silence for a bit.

"Alright, it's been 35 minutes. Now we add 4 horned slugs. Can we grab those for me Longbottom?" He handed me the slugs and I put them into the cauldron each one making a plop noise before fizzing and disintegrating into the liquid. I turned off the heat and added 2 porcupine quills into the mixture. If I had kept the fire lit and I added the quills my cauldron would melt according to one of the other books I had read before school had started. I slide the cauldron to Longbottom so he could complete the next steps. "Alright, your turn. It says to stir five times clockwise." I tell him while looking at the book.

"Wait which way is clockwise?" He asked. I used every ounce of willpower in my soul to stop myself from sighing in an attempt to not hurt his feelings. I looked up from my book.

"This way." I turned my finger in a clockwise direction to remind him of the correct way to stir. He stirred the potion the proper way and waved his wand, completing the potion. The potion was of the right appearance according to the book implying we had made it correctly.

"Nice job Longbottom." I complimented.

"I'd probably mess it up if it wasn't for you -Last Name-." He nervously said whilst avoiding eye contact. "Um also, you can call me Neville."

"You can call me by my first name too then."

Potions had ended and my next class was History Of Magic. I sat next to Hermione who was preparing her notes at moment. "I'm so tired Mione." I caviled to her as I laid my face on the desk. She rolled her eyes at me.

"You wouldn't be so tired if you went to sleep at a decent time -First Name-." I turned my face so I faced her but still had my head on the desk.

"You're so mean Mione. Can't you have some sympathy for your best friend?" I sarcastically questioned with a smirk on my face. Professor Binns walked through the wall to enter the room. One of the supposed "perks" of being a ghost according to him. I sat up and faced the direction of Binns as he started talking.

"As you know Hogwarts has four houses Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Each house is based on traits each of the founders admired. Rowena Ravenclaw valued creativity and wit. Godric Gryffindor held those who are rich in courage and venturesome in the highest esteem. Helga Hufflepuff applauded patience and justice. Salazar Slytherin favored individuals who were ambitious and determined. Together they founded the monumental school you sit in at this very moment."

I prayed that he would mention something I hadn't already read about so that I wouldn't melt into my uncomfortable chair due to how dull I found this man's voice. I start sketching in my notebook as Binns regurgitates the same information in the textbook.

I took a piece of scratch paper and wrote on it.

"Hey, Mione are you ok after that troll from the other day?"

I slithered it to her discreetly. She wrote a response and slide it back to me.

"Hey, Mione are you ok after that troll from yesterday?"

"Yeah but I'm never using that bathroom again."

I smiled at her reply.

"Yeah, but I'm never using that bathroom again."

"That's most definitely fair."

"Actually something weird happened yesterday. During the quidditch match, Harry's broom kept on moving weirdly outside of his control. Snape was staring and saying something under his breath. Me, Ron, and Harry think he might have been doing a spell on it."

"That's an intense accusation. I'd try to look into it more if you think that he's gonna hurt Harry. Let's all talk about this during dinner."

I slide the paper to Hermione making sure Professor Binns can't see it. He then told the class to read chapters ten through fifteen and dismissed us.

History of magic was the last class of the day so I headed to my dormitory to put away my stuff. As I entered the dormitory I ran into the person I was trying to avoid most. Malfoy.

"Honestly, I still can't believe the Sorting Hat allowed a mudblood here."

"That's great Malfoy," I replied with a deadpan expression on my face. I've dealt with assholes like him my whole life and to be honest he's not that good at bullying. He always says the same thing each and every time he harasses me.

"Where are you even going?" He asked with a stupid smirk on his face that I oh so badly wanted to punch off.

"I'm getting prepared for the daily meeting me and all the other mudbloods of Hogwarts have to discuss ruining the wizarding race and infiltrating all the good pureblood families," I answered sarcastically, it was weird enough for me to walk into the girl's dormitory without him noticing until it was too late.

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