A second seedrian

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We begin at the mushroom planet with Zomboss trying to make the best of it.

Zomboss: day 330 on this planet. I've been thinking of a way back while trying to make mushroom coffee, with limitless success. But I found a way, I made a device that can signal other planets. And when I return, that seedrian is done for!

Zomboss uses Cosmo's seed and the zombot head to launch a beam into space signaling other planets.

Night when by and Zomboss was sleeping and a ring portal appeared with three warriors came through and find Zomboss when one warrior sets a trap and a bolder runs it down and Zomboss wakes up.

Zomboss: never underestimate my smartness!

Zomboss pulls a string and a log hits the second warrior and the third one runs to Zomboss.

Zomboss: now boys!

The stone carvings of frogpants, Nigel blimpbottom and tugboat hit the third warrior.

Zomboss: I'm free!

Zomboss was about to go through the ring when a figure came through. Zomboss stops and sees it's another seedrian, but this one was blue and had a flower and her head.

Zomboss: there's another one?!

???: another one? You met my sister Cosmo?

Zomboss: she's your sister?

???: yes, but...

The seedrian spots Cosmo's seed.

???: where did you get that?

Zomboss: I can show you. On a place called... earth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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