The meetings

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Jim:whatt's up you guys.
Bular:what the hell who invited you.
Usurna: i did.
Blinky:how the heck are you being so loud i'm trying to sleep for the past hour.
Arrg:blinky mad.
Vendel:what's this nonsense.
Toby: damn i can hear blinky he's having an mental breakdown.
Notenrique:ayo what's with the noise.
Toby:it's blinky he's having a mental breakdown.
Usurna:the book-worm having a mental breakdown.
Arrgh:oh shut it traitor queen.
Toby:omg you are being so loud usurna i can literally hear you a thousand miles away.
Jim:can you be silent for a while it's 3 in the morning.
Claire:what in the world is notenrique doing.
Nomura:he's partying in his mind.
Otto:why hello missed me.
Bular:oh not him please.
Otto:OH YeS It iS.
Jim:what is otto doing at my house.
Skreal:what is happening right now.
Bular:i don't know skreal.
Usurna:shouldn't you be at bed time.
Bular:bed time i'm not a baby usurna.
Usurna:i can hear gunmar he is angry.
Draal:he is literally screaming at angor.
Angor:hello darkness smile friend.
Bellroc:why the hell is skreal screeching and crying on his knees.
Nari:someone stole his chocolate cupcakes and he is crying.
Stricktler:what is happening right now.
Aja:seklos and gaylen what is happening.
Krel:kleb can you be silent i'm trying to sleep.
Varvatos:glorious sound's of a battle.
Vendel:No it's not sound of a battle and i hope it's not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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