Prologue and Cast

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Sierra Windes stepped out of the auditions building for A Watery Grave. She was so happy she had gotten the role. It would get her out of the house and out of her half toxic family. The only unfortunate thing about it was that Tom Holland would be playing her characters love interest in the movie.

She hated Tom Holland. Ever since he had killed her sister, Christina, in a car accident. He was drunk and only got off with a minor scratch since he was a celeb. Her family however was somehow said to have run into him on purpose. They lost millions from their family's business. Sierra knew that wasn't true. How? Because she was there. 


Tom Holland as Tom Holland

Um. Them as themselves.

Sierra is played by Gal Gadot because she's awesome.


I have not been updating lately. I'mreally behind in school so I'm sorry. Very sorry.

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