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It had been a while since I had talked with Opie. I mean he's been so busy with helping his kids cope with their loss and keeping everything functioning. not to mention working at the garage and handling club business.

I help him with what I can and I do what I need to in order to help lift the weight of so much stress off his shoulders.

We've been working side by side handling things. and  Watching as things for them have started to slow down as well as calm down. 

When Opie is handling club matters and he can't get his kids. I will leave work and go pick them up as well as Abel and I will spend time with them. I will make sure they have everything they need.

I don't want or ask for anything in return. I'm doing this out of love for not only Opie but his babies as well. 

They are my family and I love them. so me doing what I have for quite some time now is what family does.

I split my time with the kids and work. when I'm not working I'm with the kids, when the kids are with their grandparents or grandparent. I'm helping Opie destress and not in a sexual manner, I'm his rock. 

With how things between Opie and I are going and how I'm handling the kids and everything so well plenty of people ask Opie and me if we are married or together. and some of the guys will ass Opie when he's gonna get his head out of his ass and wife me up.

Just today when I walked into the clubhouse while the kids were in daycare and school I could hear some of them talking.

"man the shit she's been doing out of love for you and your kids you'd be stupid not to marry her."  I could hear 

"Yea I agree with Tig. she's not asking for anything in return she's helping you out so much and not once complaining as she takes your troubles and all into her life to help you lose some of that tension and stress that you've got built up." Juice says

"I just don't want her to think I'm marrying her due to her being such a major help in my life," Opie says

"Do you love her more than what you ever did with Donna?" Piney asked

that's when there was a long pause.

"to be honest with you pops. I've loved her for years. when I first met her she was heaven sent. but I felt as though a criminal like me and an angle like her don't mix well. and I was with donna who I was still in my high school love phase. and I loved Donna cause she was my kids' mom but nothing else." Opie finally says

"Does Reina know how you feel about her?"Chibs asked

I didn't hear anything so I guess he didn't reply verbally.

 I carefully slipped out then make a sound as I walked back in.

"Hey guys" I greeted

"Hi darling" some replied

" How's my favorite bikers?" I asked

"kicking asses and taking names" Tig says

I chuckled.

"How's our favorite porn studio owner?" Chibs asked

"Busy. but I love it" I say with a smile

" kids keeping you on your toes?" Juice asked as I came over and say by them.

"Yes. and I'm not complaining one bit. I love them, kids, as if they were my own. not to mention Abel loves having Kenny and Ellie around so he can have people to play with. so it's a win win for us all." I tell him

"Your one hell of a woman Reina" Piney says

"thank you Piney" I say looking at him

"who ever lucks up with you will hit the damn jackpot" he bobby says

"Awe that's so sweet Bobby," I say 

"its the God's honest truth darling," he says

I nodded my head and then looked at Opie.

"You ok bear?" I asked 

he nodded his head

"you've been really quiet." I say

"Just thinking a lot about different things," he says

"if you need anything Hunny just let me know okay," I tell him

he nodded his head.

I stood up and bid the guys a good day before I walked out and went to talk with Gema for a while before I headed to work to see how things were going.

I'm in love with a criminal  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now