-This Is a Call- Chapter 3

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So far its been a week since i went too that foo fighters concert and surprisingly met Dave i haven't heard anything from him so far i wasant really surprised at that but i did know that ive never seen Dave give his number out to fans before witch made me wonder why he gave it too me. I told kaylee what happend and of course she was super excited. Right now im at the diner and my shifts about to be over kaylee had off today so i didn't see her. I was wiping down tables when i felt my phone go off in my pocket. Its probably just kaylee but ill answer it when i get home considering im almost done.

I finished wiping the tables down and clocked out then started walking home. i unlocked my door walked in shut the door behind me and threw my keys on my counter. i remembered that kaylee texted me i sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. But the text wasant from kaylee it was from Dave.

Dave Grohl: Hey Grace it's Dave sorry I didn't text sooner I meant too actually I've just been busy with the band.

Oh shit what should I say. I thought

Grace: Oh that's ok don't worry about it I
Understand but what's up how are you.

Dave Grohl: Im doing good I hope your are too. But I actually wanted too know if you were free this weekend if you wanted too we could go somewhere.

Grace: I'm alright thank you and sure that sounds like fun If you want I'll give you my address and you can pick me up if that's ok I just don't have a car. We can do Saturday 1 o'clock if that's ok too.

Dave Grohl: That's tottaly ok it's perfect. but my tesla 's in the shop right now so I only have my motorcycle is that alright?

Grace: Yeah no problem I guess I'll see you Saturday at 1 then :)

Dave Grohl: Indeed you shall :)

That made me laugh. I was so excited that i was gonna hang out with Dave. I decided to call kaylee and let her know what was happening she was really happy for me. I was getting pretty tired so I decided too go to sleep.


Well that felt like the longest two days of my life I worked Thursday and Friday pretty much did nothing my life isn't that fun I gotta say. It was early in the morning so I decided to go to Starbucks and get a coffee since there was one just down the street. When I came back I decided too lay on my couch and binge watch greys anatomy god that show makes me sad I don't know why I do this too myself. I got through three episode then fell asleep.

I woke up and quickly checked my phone for the time it was 12:30."fuck I gotta get ready real quick ugh why did I have too fall asleep" I said out loud too myself. I quickly ran into the bathroom brushed my hair and went to go put on some clothes. (Disclaimer The next thing I'm about to write could be a possible trigger warning mention of self harm) I decided too put on some plain jeans a plain black tee and a black zip up hoodie and some converse shoes. I honestly only wanted too wear a hoodie to hide my self harm scars they were faint that's why I didn't wear a hoodie at the Foo fighter's concert because no one would see them unless they were paying attention too me. It was possible that Dave would be able to notice if it's only me and him.

I was sitting on the couch ten minutes later when I got a call I didn't bother too check who it was for some reason I assumed it was Kaylee again so I answered it. "Hey it's Dave" I don't know why but I wasn't expecting Dave too call I was actually thinking he'd text. I guess I should really start checking who's calling. I thought and internally laughed too myself. "Oh hey Dave" I sounded surprised witch wasn't my intention. "You seem surprised" he laughed a little. "Well actually I am a little because I actually thought my friend Kaylee was calling me for some reason" I said a tiny bit embarrassed. "Well sorry too disappoint you but it's only me" he said jokingly. I'd rather it'd be you I thought out nowhere. "I don't think I'd ever be disappointed" I said laughing a bit. He also laughed a little and said "I'll be there soon" "alrighty see you when you get here" I said "alright bye" he said happily.

I sat on the couch for five minutes and then heard a knock at the door. I felt my stomach drop I couldn't believe this was happening. I got up off the couch and went too answer the door trying my best not to look nervous. I opened the door and Dave was standing there looking next too himself and then to me. "Hey" he said with what seemed to be a genuine smile. "Hey" said back with a smile. "Are you ready?" He asked."Yep" I said and we walked outside.

When we got outside I seen his Harley Davidson motorcycle I've seen it in pictures before but it's was pretty cool too see it in person. Just then I thought about something. Wait don't I have to put my arms around Dave if we're riding together well i mean obviously but I just haven't thought about it before eh whatever. "It's a really nice bike Dave I like it"
"Thanks I like it too" he said jokingly kind of for-shadowing what I said about my shirt when I met him a week prior. I giggled and said "so we're are we going I'll let you choose because I honestly don't mind" "well if your hungry we could grab something to eat or we could go to a bar" he said "yeah I'm a little hungry we could go to the diner where I work If you want."Yeah sure that works" he smiled at me. "Oh um this is gonna sound a little...stupid but im actually kinda scared of motorcycles because they remind me of roller coasters and I've been scared of them kinda since I was a kid I'm sorry I should've told you sooner I just-" I trailed of but Dave stopped me. "Hey don't worry about it I promise not to go too fast. If you get scared try to tell me and I'll go slower" he said and smiled reassuringly. "Oh...ok" I said and blushed a little bit out of embarrassment.

He took my hand and led me too the bike and helped me on then he put his sunglasses on and got on and started it. Surprisingly I felt safe being on there with Dave and it was nice. I wrapped my arms around his waist and moved towards him a little hesitantly and the we left. It honestly wasn't so bad we stopped at a light when Dave asked "you ok?" And I said yes and he started doing that at every light until we got too the diner where I worked at.

When we got there he helped me off his bike and we walked in. When we went in I immediately noticed that Kaylee was there she saw me and Dave and her eyes widened at me. I didn't know that she was working today but when Dave turned for a second i mouthed to her not to say anything yet until we got too the table and she understood.

The hostess working at the time led us to our table I don't think she recognized Dave so that was good I guess. She let us know our waitress would be over shortly and I instantly knew it was gonna be Kaylee. When we sat down Dave said "so this is where you work it's pretty nice I've never been here before" I grinned a little bit and said "well yeah it's ok I guess.. the job can be a little exhausting though." That's when Kaylee came over. "Hey G" she said and smiled at me. "Hey Kay" I said and looked over at Dave. "This is my best friend Kaylee we work here together" I said. "Dave Grohl" he said and shook her hand "but I'm sure you already knew that" he said and laughed sweetly. She also laughed and said "yeah I did I just wanted to be respectful. It's a pleasure meeting you" "I appreciate that and same too you." Dave said "Can I get you guys something too drink?" She asked. "Yeah I'll have sprite"I said "and I'll have a coke" Dave said. "Alright I'll have your drinks out in a few minutes" she said an walked away.

We sat there for a minute until I spoke "so I'm just curious...what made you come over to me at the bar"I asked. "Well when I came in and sat down I thought I recognized you from the show and you were there by yourself so I thought maybe I'd keep you company. But honestly I really liked your personality and I thought that maybe we could be good friends if you wanted too." He said "Oh.." I said a little confused as too why he'd wanna randomly be friends with me. "Well I'd love to be friends" I said happily and not just because he's Dave Grohl but I liked his personality too. Kaylee brought our drinks over and smiled we both said thanks and we decided we weren't really hungry anymore and we chose too just sit and talk.

Dave told me about his family life and about his mom and how his dad wasn't there and I felt bad for him. "So what's your family like?" He asked me. I felt my stomach drop kind of forgetting about my family. "Oh my family is umm...well I would say emotionally abusive god sorry that just came right out." "It's alright. I understand what happened is a part of your life don't be ashamed of your life be ashamed of them" he grinned weakly at me. "Your right I just..it's been awhile since i thought about it and honestly I've never talked about them much" I felt like tears were starting to form in my eyes I blinked them back quickly and spoke before he could say anything. "Wanna go back to my place and listen too my records or something and talk more?" I said. "Yeah I'd like that." Dave said.

Authors note: I have a feeling no one's gonna really read this but god it sucks so bad.

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