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one day bora said  "hello i own the bora smp" and ros said "WOW I LOV MINCRADFT" and so he met GREAN and he said "mumbo weed" and bana man joe hawy"weed good" and he EATS 18 DECILLION KILOGRAMMES OF WEED????????nand then he takes mambojombo bdand he wyhen hs nonmoiore WEED abd ross federman says "wtf joe hawlrey weed us not allowed in michigan" and then zubin says "yes it is stoopid" and fhen ross aaus "ok" and thn thre is a nock t th door and its grain from hermtbcraft and he says "sex" and rob cantor says "anong us"

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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