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i know it's almost summer, but i wanted to write something cute for you and Egon during the winter time.


You and Egon went on a walk throughout New York to clear your minds. The two of you had been busy nonstop for at least two weeks since the success of 'Ghostbusters' started.

"How much sleep have you gotten?" You asked Egon.

"Not much, you?"

"I've barely gotten any sleep, yet somehow I'm still alive." You said, adjusting your trench coat and scarf. You had on jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a beanie. It was that cold out, yes. Even with all those layers, you were still freezing. Just your guys' luck, it started to snow. Even though it was cold as hell, the snow flurrying down from the clouds above was always beautiful to you.

"Do you want to go back inside?" Egon asked you.

"No, it's okay." You smiled, twirling in the snow, your arms out from your sides (the ice dance scene with Kim in Edward Scissorhands inspired this). Egon watched you happily dance around, then an idea popped into your head.

"You wanna go ice skating? The rink is around the corner here." You said.

"I don't know, it's cold, we might get sick from staying out too long." Egon hesitated.

"Come on, Egon. Live a little. Didn't you ever go to these type of places when you were little?" You asked.


"That's depressing. That's actually depressing." You said. "Todays the day you live a childhood memory that you didn't have in your childhood."

"Okay then." Egon agreed. You and Egon walked to the ice skating rink and rented out some skates for about an hour. As you skated onto the ice with ease, Egon kept falling on his ass. You laughed as he did this multiple times, to which he just stopped trying and just clung onto the railing.

"Come on." You smiled, holding your hand out for him to take; Egon shook his head no. "Take my hand, I won't let you fall this time." Egon looked at your hand for a moment, then back at your face. He took your hand as you slowly skated back out into the ice rink. Hand in hand, the two of you slowly glided across the ice so Egon didn't fall.

Unfortunately, that didn't last for long because you tripped over your own skate, making the both of you fall on your asses.

"Is this part of the childhood memory?" Egon asked.

"Falling on your ass multiple times is all part of the fun, even though it might hurt later. Bruising your tailbone is no fun (I've done this. It ain't fun)." You said as you stood up, helping Egon up next. "I'm gonna get some hot cocoa at the stand over here here, want any?"

"Sure." Egon nodded his head yes, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. Despite having gloves on, his fingers felt like icicles. Egon went to the nearest park bench and sat down; it was cold as hell just like everything else in winter usually is (unless you live in Arizona, where you have summer and spring all year 'round). You sat down on the bench next to Egon and handed him his cocoa. You looked over at Egon, his teeth chattering from how cold he was.

"Do you wanna go back already? Your lips are turning blue." You said.

"N-n-no. I'm f-f-fine." Egon shivered. You rolled your eyes and smiled; you took off your beanie and put it on Egons head, his curly hair being covered.

"Come on, I'll return your skates along with mine, just put on your regular shoes and we'll be done." You said.

"One problem.." Egon said as he looked around the bench frantically.


"I think someone stole my shoes.."

five minutes later

The Ectomobile pulled up in front of the ice skating rink, where you and Egon still sat on the park bench waiting. You saw the car and told Egon; Egon then bolted to the car in his socks.

"So, a little birdie told me over the phone that someone stole your shoes." Peter said as he turned to look at the two of you in the backseat. Egon nodded his head, still shivering.

back at headquarters (around 3am, when Egon is still awake, and so are you lol)

You heard a knock at the door of your lab. "Come in."

"Here's your beanie back. Thank you." Egon said, setting the beanie down on the table.

"It's okay, it looks cuter on you anyway." You said, kissing his cheek before leaving to go to sleep finally. And so he kept it, he wore it every winter ever since that day.

until he became a material dilfy sexy ghost



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