Chapter 5

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You made your way out of the beach and into the parking lot. You were looking for the vehicle with the number 5 on it when you heard your name being called.

Niragi:"Y/N!" He shouted. You turned your attention to where he shouted from. He waved his arm, gesturing for you to come to him. He was standing in front of a motorcycle. You quickly ran over to him.

Y/N:"We gonna use this?" You said, nodding your head towards the motorcycle.

Niragi:"Yea." He said while strapping his gun across his body.

Y/N:"Do you even know how to drive this?" You scratched the back of your neck.

Niragi:"Its been a while but, Yeah. Let's go or were gonna be late." He wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a quick peck on the lips. He then got on the motorcycle. You planted your left foot on the ground then lifted your right leg, sitting on the bike. You wrapped yours arms around Niragi's waist, tightly. Niragi chuckled.

Niragi:"Love we'll be fine, I promise."
He started the engine and put the kickstand up. He started driving. You had to yell to be heard of the sound of the bike.

Y/N:"So, where are we going?!"

Niragi:"An amusement park!"

It was about a 10 minute drive there. Niragi parked.

Niragi:"Here, let me get off first." He got off the bike. He placed his hands on your hips and lifted you off the bike. You stood the for a minute, his hands still on your hips, your faces inches apart. Niragi had a slight grin on his face.

Niragi:"See, wasn't so bad, was it?" He got closer.


He gently placed his lips on yours, his right hand moving to the side of your face. You hesitantly kissed back. Niragi broke the kiss.

Niragi:"What wrong?"

Y/N:"I don't know. I'm just kinda scared." You said as you could hear animals growling. You normally don't get scared at games but you were deathly afraid of getting eaten alive.

Niragi:"I will not let anything happen to you ok. Plus this is an amusement park, there are places we can go where they can't. Ok?"

He grabbed you hand in his. You nodded your head.


You made your way up the stairs, Niragi beside you. You both grabbed a phone, it explaining the game and everything like usual.

Y/N:"Can we please, quickly find somewhere safe?" You started shaking, he could tell because he was holding your hand.

Niragi:"Of course." You spotted a pendulum ship and pointed to it.

Y/N:"There!" You quickly ran over, hand in hand. You got on the ride while Nirgai set it to go for 30 minutes, usually how long games lasts when the militants are there. After he set the ride, he quickly got on before it started moving. You strapped yourself in, just to be safe.

Niragi:"Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise." He chuckled.

20 minute time skip.
Niragi was laughing his head off like a maniac per usual, shooting animals left and right like it was nothing. He placed his hand behind your back.

Niragi:"Piece of cake!"

You rolled your eyes. You sat there, bored as Niragi kept killing animals. Soon enough your phones went off.

Congratulations six of spades cleared.

Niragi:"Now, what do you say, we get off this thing?"

You shook your head. The ride was still moving. Niragi stood up and jumped off when the timing was right. You unbuckled and carefully stood up as your legs were shaking. You held on to the ride as you made your way to the side. When the timing was right Niragi yelled


Well, you jumped a little too late, luckily Niragi grabbed your hand. You were dangling off the side of the platform

Y/N:"Niragi!" You shouted as your voice cracked.

Niragi:"I've got you." He said while his voice strained. He pulled you up, you falling on top of him, both breathing heavily. Your eyes widened and you jaw opened as you made a realization.

Y/N:"You could've shut off the ride!" You hit his chest.

Niragi:"O-oh yea." He scratched the back of his neck. You placed your hands on the ground, pushing yourself to stand up. You reached a hand out to Niragi and helped him up.

Niragi:"Let's go."

Y/N:"Yes please."

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