Rules (revised)

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These rules must be followed or there will be strikes set. 3 strikes, and the roleplay scene is out. Or you, depending on how serious it is.

༻⧼ ꕥ ☀︎ 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 ☀︎ ꕥ ⧽༺

〖1〗If you want to play an OC, fill out the required form in the next chapter or tag me to your OC. If there is something about the OC I don't like for the roleplay, then I may either ask for a slight change for the roleplay or decline it.

〖2〗NO NSFW roleplay!!! If you want to ask for consent and roleplay it anyway, talk to me on PM. Limes [cuddles, kisses, etc.] are okay, but please don't go too far on those because everyone has their limits.

〖3〗No cussing!!  That includes slurs of any kind, bad words, and even acronyms that indicate a bad word [e.g. "WTF"].

〖4〗Violence and brutality is acceptable, but please don't go too far in detail or make the situation become dark.

〖5〗Do not @ me any time you please. I have a life in the real world, and it must be used wisely. You are allowed to @ me up to 5 times a week, but no more.

〖6〗Before we begin roleplaying, take time with me to discuss the boundaries of all our OCs. That way, we will avoid making each other uncomfortable throughout the roleplay.

〖7〗For personal and religious reasons based on life experience and trauma, I will never allow any form of LGBT in my roleplays. If I find one sign of it within the roleplay or the OC you roleplay with, then I will either question you or immediately terminate the roleplay. No exceptions!

〖8〗Do not take over the roleplay!!!  We must be fair in the equal amount of control in the roleplay and never advantage one another too long.

〖9〗Overpowering characters are not allowed.  Neither are roleplaying jerks who always try to evade the other and overpower the user for the purpose of controlling the roleplay.  Immediate termination!

〖10〗Have fun!

༻⧼ ꕥ ☀︎ 𐄪 ▓ 𐄪 ☀︎ ꕥ ⧽༺

If you want to help me out, feel free to drop in scenario requests or fandom ideas for future chapters. Thank you!

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