This Body Means Nothing To Me.

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Steven grant/Marc Spector.

Warnings:::: Swearing , blood.

Heavy dark eyebags under his beautiful chocolate eyes. He hadn't slept in ages, he couldn't make up what was real and what was not, which was a dream and which was reality. He would wake up feeling exhausted as if his body and soul had been in a war , where he fought and used all his strength. He would sleep for long hours , maybe days not understanding why. He didn't do any hard work that would make him sleep for three days straight. He thought it was normal at first, thought it was depression. Well with a life like his , he of course would get depressed. He worked at a museum, just selling gifts and candy. He wished everyday if he could have his dream job as a tour guide. He was fascinated by ancient Egypt. He learned about its history, its language and would sometimes tell children in the museum some fun facts but he wasn't lucky enough to do what he loved. He wasn't mad though, he wasn't ungrateful. He wanted a job , so he could live and pay his bills.

Everything started going downhill, when he wouldn't get enough sleep or when he woke up in weird places and not his comfortable bed. He tried finding a solution for his problem. He searched and googled everywhere and tried everything. He tried to stay awake, doing anything that could make him stay up just a little longer. At first it was his trouble sleeping, heavy eyebags and maybe insomnia as he thought but then weird things started to happen. He noticed that his fish had two fins, he would wake up with brusis and cuts all over his body. He woke up exhausted everyday for no oblivious reason and he lost his touch with reality.

Finally he understood everything when Marc Spector introduced himself to him.
That day he woke up in an unknown location, big Field and he saw some weird ritual a cult maybe. He didn't understand what was happening. He thought it was some weird dream but it felt too real for some odd reason till he woke up and found himself in his small apartment covered with blood. He freaked out , screamed as he realized what happened was real. He went to his bathroom, opened the tap and tried to removed the blood stains on his rough hands. He scrubbed and scrubbed, nothing was happening. He freaked out more till he heard a voice telling him to stop. He looked behind him and saw nothing. “Great, I'm hallucinating now!.„
“No, You are not Steven. Look in front of you„ Marc's voice rang through Steven's ears. The same american accent he heard in his what he called a dream. He looked up facing the mirror and saw himself but he looked different in a way he couldn't explain. “You, you are real ? What the heck??!„ he shouted refusing to believe what was happening right now.
“I have always been real you idiot!„
“You killed those guys ? You're the one who killed those people not me right?„ he said hoping he wasn't the one who just committed a mass murder.
“We killed those people.„ Marc corrected calmly.
“Listen Steven , you have to calm down. I was trying to protect you, to protect us.„
“Protect us? We j- just killed p- p- people mate, what the hell you are talking about?„ he freaked out more unable to understand if this body was his or not. “who the hell are you?„ he asked backing off a little and inhaling sharply.
“I'm Marc Spector and you need to listen to me before you put us in danger.„ Marc said firmly trying to warn Steven before any stupid moves.
“O-Oh w-well Marc. I believe this body means nothing to me. Protect yourself mate and leave me alone„ he said shaking his head “I must be crazy , i must be dreaming. It's the lack of sleep „ he added going back and fourth. “Steven you idiot, I'm real , and everything that happened was real „ Marc screamed looking to Steven dead in the eye.
“Then i must tell the authorities about what we did.„



I know I'm literally the worst person, i published this so late and it's so crappy, it's so bad i know. I dearly apologize. Anyway guys still feel free to give me your feedback, it helps a lot. Also request if u want! Don't feel shy! Thank u for reading.

-𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙠𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 & 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨.Where stories live. Discover now