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Studying -------

"Let's ask questions to each other". Yoongi said as he was bored and while yawning.

"Yes, why don't you ask us y/n?" Namjoon said looking at you.

"Oh, okay why not". You said looking for a question from book.

"The circle between land and water is known as?" You said

" .. ". Jimin was trying to say.

"Don't look on the book". You said and took his book from his hand.

"Okay ... Well it's called "Water cycle", right?" Jimin said

"Yep, you did great". You said while making your thumbs up.

Jimin smiled cutely.

"Okay, next question". You said looking for another question.

"What will happen if there's no gravity?". You asked a Question on the Text book.

"I would have fallen on you". Jungkook say playfully.

"Nah, leave that then". You said while looking for another question.

Jungkook chuckled and laughed a little.

Meanwhile ~

Jhope was on another room , don't know what he was doing but you sure can hear the songs, not so loud.

Jin was in the kitchen cooking the food.

Jimin's Pov:-

In mind:- "What's up with Jungkook!... Hm.. he sure met her before I does, but also now hes be so tough. But I was born before than him in Busan."

End pov-

"Well, now I will ask a Silly Mathematic's question, can you answer?". You said while smiling.

"Yes ofc, I will try". Namjoon said

"Then we will too". Yoongi said.

"Okay, so how's '5 + 5 + 5 = 550' is possible?".

Everyone was shocked for a moment.


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Jhope was screaming, making everything Shake.

And everyone ran to his room...and as you Sayed out of in room.

"WHAT HAPPENED HOSEOK!" Yoongi shouted and went to look and everyone else did.

"..ah.. I-..m-my...ouch... ". Jhope was trying to say something but looks like he was scared...or something else .

You stand out of his room while looking in at them all.

"HOSEOK TELL , WHAT HAPPENED". Yoongi again shouted as he was a very good friend of him.
Jhope couldn't open his mouth, and was rubbing his leg.

"Looks like he hitted his leg somewhere". You whispered yourself.

" ...some Sprite...". You said while giving him the spirit bottle you took from canteen, before in school.

"Come in y/n, ...thanks..". He said and took the bottle.

" happened to you? Why did you scream?" You asked him quietly.

"A...h...yes actually...I was dancing and ...I saw... Something..or someone...was peeping window saw..I ... leg on the... corner of the wardrobe..." He said while he roll his eyes through the room.

"AH! LEMME GO CHECK". Jungkook said while getting up from the bed where he was sitting near Jhope comforting him, and looks like they're really brother...

".. Jungkook don't go alone.." Jin said with a worried look.

" I am coming with you".. you said while looking at Jungkook and going back out of Jhope's room.

Jungkook smiled and started to walk out as you were following him from back.

 7 Normal_Boys [BTS ff] BTS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now