Prizegiving (part 1/2)

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It's the end of the school year, and your school is having their annual awards ceremony.

It is a stupidly formal event held in a fancy theater, so every year, your school sends out emails to all prizewinners prior to the event, to make the night run as smoothly as possible by having arranged seating for the order in which you receive your award.

And this year, for the first time ever, you got an email.

Hello y/n, we would like to formally congratulate you for your efforts you have put in this year, by welcoming you as a prizewinner to (your schools) annual award ceremony.
The evening begins at 7pm on the 12th of December, however as a prizewinner you are expected to arrive at 6:30 in your best behavior,  and dressed up appropriately and groomed, so your correct seating can be organized. This means being cleanly shaven and wearing longer pants (no shorts) for males, and having long hair tied up and an appropriate length skirt/dress for females. This is a formal event, so we expect you to follow these protocols. We will run the process in which you receive your award with you upon arrival.
See you there.

Kind regards, Melissa Helford, (Your school)s Board comitee spokesperson.


What a bunch of sexist bullsh*t.

But oh well, you are getting an award!  And it surely won't be anything stupid as well, you know that only a select number of students actually get awards.

Every year, the prizegiving is boring as f*ck, you just have to sit there and watch as these gifted nerds or jocks get to go up and get these huge cups and trophies, while you sit there, not even getting acknowledged for making it through the school year.

But this year will be different. Even if your award ends up being something stupid, you hold onto a little hope for a good night, because you know that your Crush (y/c) always ends up getting an award. He already seemed way out of your league, before you found out he was academically gifted as well, and receives multiple awards every year. This means that you two will be sitting in the same section, rather than you being pushed to the back with the other non-prizewinners.

Although you have hope, you don't expect too much. You might be lucky to sit a row behind him, or down the end nearest to them.

You didn't expect that at 6:53pm (you were running late, having to dress up more than you ever had to for school), to walk in, and told to go to seat B9, which happened to be the only seat still empty in the section.

It also happened to be the seat right next to the one that y/c was currently sitting on.

You walk up to your row, and have to awkwardly squeeze past a couple people before you reach your seat. When you finally make it, you sit down with a huff.

He looks at you in amusement and laughs.

You blush slightly, luckily not enough to be noticeable.

"Hi..." you say quietly, settling down into your seat and trying to avoid eye contact. You melt inside every time he even looks at you, so you'd rather not become a tomato sitting right next to him.

"Hey, y/n". He smiles at you.
"You're getting an award? That's a surprise".

That's when you choose to look at him, unamused. (Your face changed to this -> 😐).

He looks at you, making eye contact, and laughs at your annoyed expression.

"Just cause you get one every year doesn't mean noone else-" you start

"Hey, chill, I'm just joking with you." He cuts you off and smiles. "By the way, you look sick. You've never worn your hair like that before" (you had tied it into a loose braid, out of your face).

You blush, but quickly pretend to check your hair, hiding it.

"Thanks, and I just can never be bothered doing it like this for school."

Still looking at you, he tilts his head slightly, and says "Huh, that's too bad. It looks really good".

You are about to say something back, when that pick me b*tch (name of girl you don't like - birch) who flirts with every member of the male species, leans forward from her chair behind yours and runs her hand through y/c hair, taking him completely by surprise.

He shakes her hand off and looks at her in bewilderment.

"Ooh, it's so soft. Y/c did you wash it for tonight? It's like a sheep" Birch shuffles forward to the end of her chair, and puts her head between yours and y/c, not even glancing at you.

You can feel your blood boiling.

Y/c turns towards her, looking at her weirdly and shooting you a quick, confused side glance.

"Uhh, yeah my dad made me.." he replies.

She giggles and runs her hand through his hair again, purposely messing it up.

Y/c, now annoyed, leans back and quickly goes to fix his hair. He looks at birch like this --> 🤨, causing you to laugh accidentally, and her to back off in surprise, before putting her smile back on and giggling again.

"What? It's just so soft, I can't help it."

Before you can react, birch grabs your wrist and moves your hand onto his hair as well - it really was soft! But you still pulled your hand away and out of her grip, slightly annoyed.

Birch giggles again, "See, y/n thinks so too!"

"Well it is..." I chuckled nervously.

Y/c shot a look at you and then back at her, definitely peed off. "Bro, don't touch my hair".

Birch rolled her eyes but put her smile back on and shuffled back onto her seat.

Y/c was still trying to fix his hair, and you laugh at his focused expression, causing him to look up at you.

"What?" He asks, giving up on his hair.

You can't help but smile when he makes eye contact and holds it.

"Y/c, if this thing lasted like 5 hours, would you ask to move away from me and birch?" You ask.

Y/c smiles slightly and leans back, giving up on his hair.
"Nah, I wouldn't".

Birch smiles widely and sits up again

I ask "So we aren't annoying then?".

Y/c scrunches up his face. "Only birch is."

Her smile drops, and yours gets wider.

"Actually, out of all my options, you'd be the best person to sit by for hours. You can't annoy me" Y/c smiles at you, absolutely making the butterflies in your chest and stomach have a party.

You smile widely and blush hard, enough that he would definitely notice (embarrassing-), but just then  the lights dim down, the prizegiving was starting.

Y/c finally breaks the eye contact and clears his throat, focusing his eyes on the stage instead.


Sorry I've split this one into 2 parts bc it's quite long - just go to the next part to keep reading xoxo

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