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tw: Religion (dunno if anyone is triggered by it but yeah it's mentioned), Lost of loved one, death 

I'm currently in a church camp

I guess it's a camp

It's like a.........................

Zoom meeting every Tuesday talking about JESUS

And life

It's quite depressing


Well, it's actually pretty fun

They play draw battle sometimes

But that's pretty it

My brother is friends with my current church group leader

Well, the church group leader's brother

Fucking hell

The group leader has my brother's phone number

So if I even didn't want to join, she'll just text my brother

And my brother will threaten to ban me from using the laptop

Which is my only way of communicating with my friends online

And that's sad

Anyways Spotify ads are fucking annoying

Like, I don't want your Hari Raya ads

I'm not even Malay

I'll just do my ICT homework during the holidays

Bitch /lh

Also I now know that I joke with my trauma

I'll just be like, 

"Oh you wanna hear my trauma? Oh haha, it's not much, I moved on... I lost a friend this month. BUT HEY, THAT'S WAS LIKE... I DUNNO,  18 DAYS AGO?? THAT'S LONGG, RIGHTT?"

I'm not fucking kidding, that's how I cope

It's kinda funny in my opinion.

Also @/AstroCivilNerd's new book is cool,

The Tommy one

My boast is that I have read a bit of the book

Like, an angst part

And it's very pogg

Go read it

And their other books ofc

Okay that's all, byee :D

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