Chapter 8

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An immortal soldier came running towards us. "What's our game plan, the alarm's been activated so the palace knows we're here." I took him to a window and pointed to the faint lights in the distance. "That complex, that's the palace. No other has that bright of a light. We're close, so now we move on them." He nodded and the others came over to look. "Where do you have to go to?" "The center of the palace, there's a crystal. It holds the power we need. Hopefully the three of us can channel it." "Hopefully?" "It's powerful, more powerful than you can imagine. I don't know if we can even control it." Liam looked at me and I saw that he still cared, he cared about me. It was in his eyes. The emotion, the pain and I felt bad about bringing him up to the surface. He had been happy, he could have forgotten.

I turned away and looked at the group, "This is the beginning of the end. What you allow is what will continue, so do not let this continue." The group nodded and we raced out of the building after the large group already heading for the palace. When we got close we all stopped and regrouped. We told everyone the plan we had developed as we ran, and then we turned to look at the palace. Guards were surrounding the palace. We didn't know what was going on, some major event. Amelia gasped and turned to David. "I know what it is! The announcement of my husband, I don't have to be there. It's just some guy who is picked because he's loyal. But they will be on high security all night." "It has to be tonight, it's the last full moon of autumn. The time when the crystal is at maximum power." David nodded and we looked around us. Everybody drew arms, and we walked towards the palace.

I hadn't expected the melee to begin so soon, but almost immediately after we had approached the palace a fight began instantly. David, Amelia and I raced around the groups of battle and climbed over the fence, into a familiar place. I turned to see Liam jumping over the fence behind us and drawing his sword. "Liam, you're needed out there." "No, I'm here to protect you, you're gonna get that crystal and do your job." I stared at him for a moment, then we all nodded and began to climb the glass wall of the palace.


Once inside, we ran through all too familiar hallways. We ran into guards almost instantly, but soon they were frozen in ice cubes that burned with fire. Liam stared at us as we fought. We had no need of weapons, our power was our weapon. Finally, I came upon a familiar room and opened it. There was the oh so important broadcast. Suddenly the one camera turned and focused on me. I smiled and waved. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're taking the castle." I said politely, and then slammed the door closed and froze the locks. "Now, let's keep moving!" I shouted as David and Amelia came around the corner.

Finding the core of the castle was hard. The crystal was literally at the core, past levels of wiring and maintenance. We climbed through a hatch and found three tunnels leading off in different directions. "Now where do we go?" I asked as we all looked around. Amelia sniffed the air and turned in a circle. Her eyes were closed, and when they opened the were glimmering like jade. "That way," she pointed down the tunnel to our left, "that way to the crystal." We all raced down the hallway and emerged in a huge cavern. The crystal sat perfectly on a pillar, and I nodded to David. I could hear soldiers far away, we had time. At that moment, Amelia gasped and we turned to see her crumple to the ground, a knife sticking out of her back. I turned to look down the hallway and saw a tall looming shape, holding three other knives.

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