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"Separate Ubers it's the only way" I said pulling my phone out .
We are all in the airport and we needed to get to the hotel that the other influencers were staying
When the cars came I got in with Chris,Jaden,mason ,Kai and nessa

"How you feeling J?" I asked Jaden who was sulking in the front seat

2 weeks before our fllight jaden and mads had a huge argument in front of the whole group which ended up with her leaving to la earlier than needed now that we all are here tensions are high

J: I'm not looking forward to seeing her right now

D: don't think of her ,think of the fans that came to see you play

C: I'm thinking of  some baddies,the legal ones tho

M: bro can you shut up

D: are you going to sing ness , maybe la di die ?

N: we might , our agents are still thinking about it

D:oooh yeah I love that song

I said singing some of it making Jaden laugh
We pulled up to the hotel and got into our rooms quickly after unpacking we took showers and got ready

D: you think this is fine
I pointed to my makeup with was really just lashes and lipgloss nessa rolled her eyes

N: just bc we aren't working doesn't mean people will ignore you

D: I still look cute tho

N: at least let me put liner on you
She said giving me a cute black wing on me

D: ok you was right I look sexy now let's go

N: alright

We went to meet the boys in the lobby to go to lunch cause we were all starving . When we got off the elevator we saw a huge group of girls swarming someone

N: that's probably -

D: vinnie ? Yeah Ik 

N: well lets go ,I don't wanna start any drama
We started to walk away and I heard vinnie call my name

V: hey denver wait up
He said catching up with us carrying his bags
D: hi vinnie how you been ?
V:I'm cool we haven't spoken in a while tho , I'm glad your here
D: yeah me too

"Yo" Kairi said walking up with the boys

V: hey bro
He dapped all the boys up except for ale
M: long time to see , where's your room
V: on the 7th floor ,we throwing a kickback later
M: that's on denny's floor we can probably slide later
V: you should come through d , I missed you
Ale: she'll see , come on our Uber is here
We all left the hotel and went to a restaurant  nearby, I sat with mattia and ale in one of the booths we occupied

M: what do you think about the event ?
D: honestly it's not as fun as they make it seem but I'm enjoying myself so far
Ale: yeah it's chill I heard Cynthia was throwing a party in her room
He said to mattia, I don't know who she is but I'm guessing drama by mattia's face
D: I thought we were doing vinnies kickback
Ale: nah we aren't ,we could do something better like cynthia's
M: as long as I stay off ttr, I don't give a shit where we go
Ale : then it's settled ,let's hurry back cuz it's starts soon
He got the check from the waiter and mattia called the Ubers and we went back to the hotel
to get ready for it
Time skip
N: how do you look hot and also ready to fight ?
She asked as I stepped out of our bathroom finally ready to go
D: honestly, I got bad vibes about tonight I'm just making sure
N: Cynthia is not that bad but you are right to expect some type of drama
I put my shoes on and took pictures until I heard a knock at the door

C: damn girl you sure I can't spend the night with you
Mas: shut up chris , don't mind him we were pre gaming
D: where's everyone else ?
J: they went to the party already
C: yeah y'all took forever let's go now
I grabbed my phone and started making my way to the elevator when a door in the hallway flew open and someone bumped into me
?: oh shit , my bad
D: nah u good
Someone else opened the door and it was josh and vinnie
Jo: bro wh-
?: I'm Bryce , these are my friends
Jo: nice to see you again denver
I ignore him and turned away
D: we've met , Now if you'll excuse me
I rushed to the elevator where mason waited for me
Mas: can't wait to just get my check for this and for it to be over
D: I hear you , You could smell the anxiety in every hall
Mason knocked on a door and a blonde girl opened it
?: oh hey mason
Mas:Cynthia , this is denver
She looked over in shock
C: like mattia's sister ? Thats shocking 
Mas: yeah right 
He said sarcastically 

C:actually this is a influencer only party 

mas:then why are you here ?

he joked she opened the door and let us go in

Mas: you wanna get a drink
D: yeah
We walked to the cooler and got out white claws
Mas: these fucking sorority bitches never got good shit
D; right like where the Hennessy at ??
We joked until we found Jaden and nessa talking in a corner
N: dens guess what?
D: you found some Hennessy ?
J: we wish, but nah La di die got approved for tomorrow
D: yea that's crazy congrats babes
I give them a hug and cheer with mason
N: let's dance
She dragged me to the middle of a room and we danced for a few songs

D: imma go get another drink ill be back 

ness nodded and continued to socialize with her internet friends while i walked to the cooler again 

m: yo ?

mattia called out for me surrounded by people 

D: whats up?

m: i want you to meet my friends, this is chase and katie 

D:hello im denver ,his sister 

ch: yeah ik you ,you blew up the internet with that vinnie scandel 

k:nice to meet you 

D:you too ,have any of you seen kai or ale ?

m: kai went with celia and ale is over there 

he points in the direction of ale sitting on a couch next to a lightskin girl with curly hair. he sipped his drink while she whispered something in his ear giggling after the fact 

i walk over to the couch stopping right in front of the 2 as i introduce myself to the girl 

D: hello i dont think we've met before im denver 

a: im alessya  and this is alejandro 

she introduced the both of them 

D: yeah ik what my boyfriend's name is ,but thanks for the reminder 

a:boyfriend? yeah right? 

she giggled before whispering something else to him this time making him chuckle 

i scoff and walk away telling nessa im leaving and walking out bumping into someone and dropping my phone 

D: shit 

i say going to pick it up but another hand grabbed it ,when i look up i see vinnie holding my phone 

D: thanks 

i walked towards the elevator before i was stopped 

v: where are you going ?

D: to my room

v: well let me-

D: no vinnie please go enjoy the party

v: actually i came here to talk to you 

D: why me? 

v: caused i missed you 


A/N :broke my phone expect very slow updates

"DONT TRUST DIMPLE BOY" ( a Alejandro fanfic)/DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now