Plucking up the Courage

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A/N: Thank you for giving me a chance and reading this oneshot! Considering the fact that this is my first ever written story on here I hope to satisfy your interest and hopefully bring you on this wild ride of me continually gaining experience thanks to your feedback to further improve my writing and gradually increase the length of my stories until I'm ready to tackle a fully fledged Hermione x Male Reader story that spans across all 7 books (Yes, that is what's planned for the future)... But now, on to the story!

„Come on, Y/N! Since when do you have so little faith in your friends?" I heard Harry say while me, Ron and him were staying up late in the boys dormitory to discuss our plans for the upcoming Yule Ball.

„Yeah. I assure you she's got a crush on you ever since second year!" Ron added to which Harry nodded approvingly.

„And besides, do you really want to risk Hermione going with that egghead?" Harry pressed on.

„Hey! It's Viktor Krum, don't talk about him like that!" Ron exclaimed angrily.

„You go with Hermione and Ron can go with Krum." Harry said with a slight chuckle.

Just when Ron was about to respond I said doubtfully „No offense, but I don't know if you two are the best at noticing signs from girls." I paused for a brief moment „I don't want to risk losing her as a friend, that's all."

„Why would you lose her as a friend? It's not like you're confessing your feelings for her." Harry tried to reassure me.

I said nothing in return, still feeling uncertain about whether or not I should ask her. He's got a point, maybe I really should take my chances I thought to myself.

„Well, in the end it's your decision. I'm going to sleep now. Night." Ron said while getting under his sheets.

„Me too." yawned Harry while putting out the lamp he had placed on his nightstand.

I mulled over every possible scenario that could occur and after about 5 minutes I sighed „Fine. I'll ask her."

„Knew it." Harry muttered into his cushion with a hint of excitement in his voice. Ron was already asleep and snored as loudly as ever.

Silencio!" I whispered while pointing my wand at Ron and soon after I fell into an uneasy sleep worrying if this was the right decision.
The next day I woke up very early in the morning because I was still quite nervous about this whole thing. No one else had awoken yet so I decided to get dressed and head down to the Common Room for some last-minute checking on my homework. I expected it, but strangely enough I got an odd feeling when I saw the beautiful bushy-haired girl already sitting on the couch when I came down the stairs.

„Morning, Hermione." I said rather quietly.

„Oh hey, Y/N! I was hoping you'd get here first." she smiled at me.

„And why's that?" I said curiously while my heart rate increased slightly. There is no way on earth she's going to ask me to the Yule Ball.

„I just have a single question about the Charms assignment Professor Flitwick has given us." she stated causing me to mentally shake my head at myself. Of course she wasn't going to ask you, idiot!

After discussing all the homework we chatted some more until Ron and Harry came down the stairs looking groggy. Ron carefully examined the both of us before asking teasingly „And? Did you do it already?"

„No, Ronald. I did not." I replied glaring at him.

„Did what?" Hermione asked confused.

„Oh, n-nothing." I stuttered nervously.

„You'll find out soon enough." Harry told her while smirking at me. Hermione threw a short sideway-look at me resulting in me blushing a little bit, hopefully not enough for her to notice.

„Anyways. Let's go to the Great Hall, I'm starving." Hermione said breaking the awkward silence.
After not being able to concentrate on almost every class we had in the morning I made my way over to the library together with Hermione during lunch break to already get started on a Potions assignment due in 2 weeks. We sat down in an empty part of the library and started working on it right away.

But I barely made any progress whatsoever because I kept glancing at Hermione who seemed to be in absolute focus. I looked at her again and thought she was really cute while she was concentrating, I mean she always looks pretty, beautiful even...

I was torn from my thoughts when she suddenly looked right into my eyes and I quickly looked down at my empty piece of parchment.

„Everything ok? You haven't written down a single word since we got here." she asked putting her hand on my shoulder which caused me to go a little red.

„Um, y-yeah. Everything is fine, yes." I said weakly with an odd smile. I just hoped she wouldn't question me any further - but to no avail.

„Hey, look at me." she said softly and I turned my head towards her „You know you can tell me everything. I'm always here for you."

„And don't think I haven't noticed you looking at me the whole time." she quickly added with a slight smirk.

I was caught off guard and probably looked like a tomato at this point. I think she already knows - you know what, fuck it - if I want to ask her, now is the time.

Sounding a lot more confident in my head I stammered unintelligibly „Wold yu lketo gtothbal withm?"

„Come again?" Hermione asked gently.

I took a deep breath, plucked up all the courage I had which was admittedly not a whole lot but I still said now with a firmer voice than before „Hermione, it's totally fine if you say no, but I've been meaning to ask you if you'd like to accompany me to the ball?"

I was ready to accept every single reason she could give as to why she wouldn't go with me - „I'd love to, Y/N." she said tenderly while smiling and looking at me with a faint blush.

„Oh - I-I mean great. Wait, really? Are y-you sure? You know it'd totally be -"

I immediately stopped rambling when I felt something incredibly soft on my right cheek, it was Hermione's tender lips giving me a kiss.

„I'm sure, Y/N."

I just sat there in shock blushing even more furiously. Hermione giggled quietly, packed her stuff and left the library while I stayed in my seat still not fully understanding what just happened.

After recollecting myself I started to smile like an absolute idiot and happily made my way out of the library.

I'm going to the Yule Ball with Hermione Granger! And she just gave me a kiss on the cheek! I can't believe it!

A/N: This was my first attempt at a Hermione x Male Reader oneshot! I hope you enjoyed it though! If you'd be so kind to leave feedback in the comments below I'd greatly appreciate it. As I've said I plan on improving my writing as well as my plot-building. This was a kind of fluffy fanfic but you can definitely also expect some smuttier ones if that's what your heart desires - no shame in admitting it ;) - I'm open to any suggestions or ideas you want written.

Hermione x Male Reader Imagines/Oneshots (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now