Chapter 5/ pt.2

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"LETS GO!" I yelled as I ran through the house Riley looked at me and stopped me

"What's happening!"

"We have to take care of some take care of her" she nodded as i kissed Riley like it was the last time I would ever see her then ran out the house as we all shifted into our wolf


IM really scared I don't want to lose ash, i think I'm falling for him....but I sorta have no choice he's my mate and I want to help but it's no good I'm still weak and I'm hurt from that bitch...i looked Marcy as she touched my stomach and made my bruise go away I smiled in awe as then she gave me an ice pack for my head

" can you heal like that that's pretty awesome" she smiled

"I'm a healer I can heal anything life threating,cuts,bruises, etc. " I nodded

"Well....i can make fire with my hands...." I rubbed my hands together as they lit fire and i touched the candle in front of us she smiled and chuckled

"That's amazing....we needed another elemental in this family....yours going to be the strongest in the pack you know" I smiled

"That's cool....hey I'm kinda tired and I don't want to go home so...."

"It's on you can sleep in ashes room up the stairs and to the left last door at the end of the hall" I said a quick thank you and went up to his room


"JAMES BEHIND YOU!" I yelled quickly as he turned around and ripped out the wolves throat

"Thanks" I nodded as I ran over to help my dad who had a hunter pining him down....i leaped at him kicking the hunter of my dad but it was to late the hunter shot him before falling to the ground the other wolves killed of the last hunter as I ran to my dad who changed back human and was holding his side I quickly ran to him as he was panting and sitting up I shifted quickly and sat next to him

"Dad stay with me!" The boys let out a howl telling my mom to come help "dad!" He looked at me

"Son, I-I don't think I'm going to make it"

"No!,no!,no!, Dad just wait mom is on her way" afew mins later mom ran up then shifted human then ran up to him and ran her hand over his wound but didn't heal it

"Mom?!.....fix him he's about to die I can't lose my dad!!" I started to cry as my mom did the same and the other wolves bowed there heads in respect

"The bullets to deep if I tried to heal him it wouldn't work" I looked down at my dad who gave us a weak smile

"Son...honey...listen take care of each other and Riley....treat her well she's a good one son....i-i......." I looked at my dad as the wolves let out a howl telling other packs that our alpha just died my mom started to cry harder as she shifted into her wold and ran away...the other wolves dug a hole too....i placed my dad in the hole and covered him up then shifted into my wolf as we bowed our heads to him for afew mins....then James walked up to me

"Alpha?....we need to go..." I looked at him and shook off my sadness this isn't the time to just going to have to morn some other time I let out s growl and howled as we all ran back to the house


It's been a few days since ashes father died we mourned for 2 days then got over it his mom still crys sometimes but we comfort her turns out I have a new element its air and it's pretty, ash, and James were out in the woods and James was teaching me how to use my elements since he has ice element

" ready?" We got in our stance "go!" He threw a ice ball as I dodged it I smirked as he threw another but I coughs it with my hand melting it...i looked at ash who was impressed I turned back to James as he threw 3 more I dodged 2 and did a round house kick, kicking it back to him as he dodged it...i brushes the few strands of hair from my face smiling really hard

"You did good!!, Looks like your wolf is growing fast and is almost ready to come out" I smiled, gave James and ash and hug them kissed ash

"James I never knew you were an elemental!" I wrapped my arm around his neck as we went back to ashes house

"Well, my mom is water and my dad is ice my little sister turned out to be a fire but I turned out to be ice" I nodded as we say on his porch and Marcy brought us some cookies

"Well, looks like I came out at he right time" we each got a cookie and some water as I took a bite and moaned

"Dam...this is good!" They chuckled as I blushed

"I know something else that's good" ash winked at me as James busted out laughing

"What's in this, it tastes....dead?"

"It's deer....mmmm, I can still taste the blood"

"Yuk!" I finished to cookie, looks like I'm goin to have to get use to eating dead stuff we then Ate the rest of the cookies when I got a call from dad

"Riley, were leaving today can we meet you somewhere "
"Uhhhhh, y-yea......come to ashes house they moved out in the, should know we're we are"
"Ok, but what are you doing at some boys house!!?" Shit.
"Bye daddy"i hung up and sighed then looked over at ash who was sipping on his water

"My parents are on there way" ash eyes widened and he stood up

"Well, I need to tell mom to cook and I need to shower and James needs to
Leave " I chuckled at how he was acting.....then we got up and went inside as James shifted into his wolf and ran out into the woods...

"Hi honey, hey ash" mom said hugging us both

"Hey mom, dad this is ash" I wrapped my arm around his waist "he's my ma-...boyfriend" we smiled looks like my dad didn't like that

"Boyfriend?" I nodded as I squeezed him tight he cleared his throat

"Umm.....its nice to meet you mr. jones" he stuck out his hand to shake my dads but my dad didn't shake it, he just dropped his hand and gave us a weak smile " moms cooking...before you guys leave please stay for lunch and then yall can leave" my mom smiled as they walked inside....


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