the tragedy (part one)

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It was a dark and stormy night(club), and Engelbert's grayish-green orbs wandered the form of the reflecting light object that circles the earth, often referred to as the moon. He liked it. It looked like an imperfect circle. Just like his intestines. Engelbert had a disease called arnold. It's when your parents are absolutely deranged and name their child arnold. It could have been cured but his dad was a werewolf and his mother had a crush on Mozart's corpse.. Also did you know that if vincent van gogh was alive today he would be the oldest man in history, with is a whopping age of 568 years! Engelbert went to grab his spray tan out of his bag and smother it all over his musty face (blackfishing!! His favourite hobby) when it was suddenly thrown out of his hand by a weird woman. He had never seen the women before, which was strange because he went to this nightclub 24/7. Her hair glistened under the pale moonlight which was not actually moonlight but the faulty lights at the nightclub because it kept flickering so yes. She had delicate, crystal orbs that glowed through her luscious Karen layered haircut and as he stared at her face he realised that he found his soulmate. It was love at first sight, both were completely encapsulated by each other. "y/n?" he whispered.

"No." she replied. Tossing her musty bangs out of her crabby face, she said, "i. Am. patricia." they both started to aggressively writhe like worms on the floor and do the weird hand games like apple on a stick

"Uwu omg!! Patty-cakes we should get married!!"

"Okay!! berty-kins!!" she gigled (she did NOT giggle, she gigled, she was just different from the other girls XD)

They both ran off out into the road when suddenly they realised they were in open traffic! They both squealed to the pavement while laughing hysterically. They both went "teehee" at the same time and they knew, they just knew, that they were meant for each other <3

Then they got killed because jimmys spotify has been running by accideent for five hours and goddmanit i lost so much battery and i strangeld them both

Naurrrrr engelbert and patty!! 

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