Chapter 1: Introduction to Elstivian Cuisine

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The Elstivian cuisine itself comes from the traditional human cuisine of the period of time between the age of the godslayers and the year 120 after Noche's descent. Back in those ages, humans didn't have a country for themselves but most of them were in part of Rivialt and the remaining ones were nomads that travelled across Sharasta, to be exact the areas populated by succubi and noble demons, trying to survive after the massive disaster that left the disappearance of the godslayers and their cities.

This situation made the humans have to deal with the cuisine from both Sharasta, and their extravagant dishes that were not for filling their bellies but to entice them, and the extravagant dishes with many vegetables and few sugars of Rivialt while also accepting the fact that they couldn't eat so extravagantly due to their poor economic situation since they lost almost everything they had and that they were treated like outsiders, which made their options to get decent jobs lower quite a bit.
So in order to keep living in a decent manner, the humans did make their own culinary recipes and in that process of reinvention of their cuisine... Well, they dropped the idea of copying the appetizers and focused on a style similar to the dwarves, which allowed them to save money without suffering from hunger and enjoying hearty meals that even to this day both Sharasta and Rivialt leaders find the Elstivian cuisine too crude compared to their extravagance.

The Elstivian cuisine focuses on giving hearty meals to commensals, reusing everything as much as possible without endangering the food safety, and gives a good nutrition for the humans. Unlike dwarven cuisine, the Elstivian cuisine avoids using extravagant ingredients as much as possible since humans didn't have enough money to pay for them back in that era, and use spices since they wouldn't expire right away.

Appetizer list:

Prawn Brochettes of Saint George: A plate with 4 brochettes that have prawns and carrots soaked in a sauce made of tomato, garlic, onion, celery, olive oil, salt, parsley, tarragon, chives, chervil, and basil. The tales of Saint George say that this templar of the church of Zerax ate these before facing the fleet of the berserk undead ships that were left by Evan once the age of the godslayers passed away, in the year 19 after Noche's descent and coming out victorious. Most templars, paladins, clerics, and knights of the church of Zerax do eat this dish in the holy day, 15 of October, in order to commemorate the victory of Saint George against the nightmarish fleet.

Saint James Elvers: A plate of elvers with garlic in olive oil, accompanied with prawns. An historical dish that is quite simple to make, that hails from the city of Patos, which is a delicacy for most people of Elstivia nowadays. It is the dish that James, the first human hero that hailed from Elstivia, ate after defeating Dark Lord Greiros, the slothful. It is said that those who eat this just before fighting dark creatures will win, no matter what happens in the fight.

Golla's Soup: A soup created in the city of Golla, which is the first city that those who travel outside of Straka, if they travel using carriages or the like, towards Elstivia find in their travel. Most of the travelers that go to the academy of Flosais do try out this soup, and end up really satisfied with it even seeing that it does not follow the usual with Elstivian cuisine and uses quite a bit of spices. It uses carrots, parsley, celery, leek, potatoes, beef plate short ribs, cream with a 30% fat, butter, water, salt, pepper, dill, and a bit of horseradish.

Theorius Salad: A salad made in Flosais, in honor to the grand archmage known as Theorius that did theorize about the necromancy spells used by Evan back in the age of the godslayers and how he was able to make beasts that could make the armies fall down. It is said that he finished the theory while eating this salad, which has lettuce, olives, chorizo, carrots, radish, corn, beetroot, onion, tomato, and is dressed with oil and vinegar. Many students do order it when they are studying, believing that somehow this salad will help them pass the tests.

Zerax's Frittata: A dish created by a godslayer known as Marco Maiolo, who also became the first paladin of Zerax, that uses potatoes, eggs, olives, cheese, garlic, onion, parsley, olive oil, and eggplant. Marco served this dish to Zerax once, which made the glorious god happy and gifted Marco the glorious stigmata known as Sunshine. After this occasion, Marco shared the recipe with people and made Frittatas for the poor. After Marco's death, Sunshine disappeared, but the Frittata stayed and it's one of the dishes that those loyal to Marco, even those who are not followers of Zerax, do eat in the anniversary of Marco's death, the 3 of December.

Crispy Potato Patties: A dish recreated from the Imperialis Integer Vitae Tellus, obtained by the knight Alexander von Augustus from Neradath in his travels with the first angel king, Maelus Maelis, whose descendants are the royal family in Asthalos. While the original dish of the Imperialis Integer Vitae Tellus used a special spicy sauce, which the dwarves called Makakahong after trying it, this dish avoids the usage of such sauce. For those that do not know dwarven tongue, Makakahong means throat on fire. This dish is made of mashed potatoes, a large egg, a small onion, flour, Riviltian cheese, salt, white pepper, olive oil, and unsalted butter.

Drinks list:

Royal Elstivian Tea: A tea made with the leaves of a bush that only grows in Elstivian soil, due to the mana condensation of Elstivian grounds and their soils that have more nutrient and less trees compared to Rivialt. This tea is sweeter than other teas, and usually is companied by the Elstivian cookies or dried persimmons. One of the favorite teas of Arthias Caeul Maelis, and one of the finest teas amongst noble ladies.

Elstivian Beer: A beer that has coriander as a spice, that is made with a specific type of malt grown only in Elstivia that has less maltiness but a citric, spicy, and slightly tropical flavor to the beer that pair well with coriander.

Main Dishes List:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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