Chapter 4

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Note by me:
If you don't know who I am you can skip this
to my friends who I told about this fanfiction, if you read this as my friend. I must have to murder you now. You have already gone to far. It will probably be you Cim, if one of you are reading this.
(Summer of 1898)
POV Albus
When Bathilda introduced her nephew Gellert Grindewald, I was immediately in love with him. His eyes one as dark as the night, the other one as light as snow. First thing we did was stare in each other's eyes. Bathilda felt kind of awkward, when we weren't saying something to each other.

When I wanted to say who I was, I almost forgot my own name because of his beauty. I stumbled across my own name, after that my face turned bright red.

Gellert laughed at it, while he said, "Hi, my name is Gellert." I love his smiling face, although he doesn't smile very often.

For a while I didn't think that he liked me like that. I already knew that I liked boys in the way that most boys like girls, but I didn't know anyone else who were the same as me. I thought he was just a very touchy person, which he is not with anyone but me.

We were first just really good friends, mainly fantasizing about how we could get our hands on all the deathly hallows. I always knew I liked him more then just friends, but we live in a very homophobic time and I didn't want to lose him.

I definitely gave him to much stares, I just can not keep my eyes off such a handsome person.

One day when I was staring at him he stared back we just looked right into each other's souls. Then he moved closer and closer to me. Then he kissed me. It was fast because I pulled away. I was scared.

"I don't want to lose you." Said I

"Why would you think that, I want to be with you like this and not just as your best friend." These words he said made my heart explode. This were the words I had been waiting for since the moment I first saw him walking through the door with Bathilda.

And everytime I see my Gellert I have that same feeling, but every time I feel that feeling it feels like it is the first time I see him.

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