~Roses And Thorns~ Part 1.

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Rosie stood at her counter; tapping her long, sharp fingers against the cold, plastic desk. With her other hand, she held her cheek, her elbow on the plastic, hunched over. She huffed in pure boredom, adusting her soft pink, long-sleeved dress that tightly squeezed her legs and body into a curvey shape; along with a belt that kept in her stomach. She looked up at the sun hat on her head that was clearly to big, with feathers as large as her dark, seemingly endless, empty sockets that replaced her eyes. Her usual toothy grin was drooped into a frown made from her own pure boredom, deep inhales and exhales along with half-closed eyes also signified this matter. She groaned, longing for a customer of some kind to come in and at least entertain her for two seconds and not leave her and her boredom to over take her actions.

Her eyes begun to explore her environment. Shelves were fully stacked with any old item; chairs, toys, bottles, sweets. Fridges almost burst with foods and drinks of any flavours and colours. Displays were all nice and neatly put out, almost like a show for her eyes only. No-one had brought something for a while; and that 'while' was only 1 hour, not a long gap, but she must have everything sorted before customers. She enjoyed it being neat and tidy; like her look and 'her' in general. She was very put together, a nice, neat, fancy lady. This was what the society wanted of her, and now they get it no-one wants to bother. It confused her, but she kept with her ways of life. She zoned into thought, thinking of the posibilites and let her imagination rome in the depths of her brain.

While she was deep in thought about all of this, someone walked in to the shop, their shined shoes clicking on the floor as they took more steps towards Rosie. Their tail behind them swayed and their ears twitched with every step. A red blob came into view, but Rosie thought harder at this, hoping it was her imagination and not a customer.

But her hopes were too low.

A hand came over hers, tapping her wrist with their index finger. They leaned in, whispering in her ear: "Rosie, dear, it's me."

She clicked back to reality; jumping at the sight of a deer-demon face near her own. His blood-red eyes gazing into her darkness with a sickening grin that could make even a rat gag if they knew what sick, twisted micheifs were behind it. She leaned back, away from his perfectly placed monocle.

"Ah, didn't mean to scare you." The red deer said in a soothing tone, as if he meant it. She let out a sigh of relief, her natural colours seeping through to make her usual grin appear.

"Hello, deer boy, you almost scared the hell out of me!" She chuckled after she said this. Alastor did seem amused, tuting and rolling his eyes with his normal devilish smile.

"I didn't mean to give you a fright, dear, not at all. But, I did want to ask something of you." He didn't move his hand from over hers. Nor did she. They both kind of enjoyed each others presents, he looked away, clearing his throat, "I was wondering if you'd like to accomodate me to a bar." 

Her sockets lit up, a soft smile was scared between the two, gazing into each others eyes and wishing for a map to get them out.

"I would love to." Rosie spoke at last, breaking their loving silence.

"Perfecto'! Off we go then!" He smiled, turning her hand over and holding it. Rosie came out from behind the counter, linking arms with him. They strolled down to the bar, sparing each other glances and hoping to not fall deeper into this hellish love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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