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Hey Guys, we haven't talked in a hot minute, but today I'm here to educate you on AAVE.


+ Any hate comments will either be deleted or left up to show the world how much of an asshole you truly are <3

+ You can ask questions but try your best to be respectful and considerate! I will try my best to answer.

+ I suggest instead of just listening to one person, you go out and do your own research, mainly asking and listening to what black people have to say about this topic because different people might have different opinions. Listening to black people is the BARE minimum you can do. 


What is AAVE?

AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English and it's defined as a dialect of English spoken primarily by black people. A more causal synonym is "Black Slang".

And recently these years, AAVE has become in great use online. Many people, regardless of race, use words such as:
















and Yuh

This is different from slurs being reclaimed by black people because these words weren't created by white ppl and aren't derogatory. 

AAVE has a deep deep place in black history, dating back as a way of communication for slaves from many different backgrounds and languages.

Why Non-black People are Discouraged From Using AAVE:

Non-black people using AAVE is considered a form of cultural appropriation, whether done with ill intentions or not. 

Cultural Appropriation In General-

What's bad about Non-black people using AAVE and just cultural appropriation, in general, is that minorities are insulted, prosecuted, and killed GREATLY for looking or talking a certain way and indulging in their culture. Then all of a sudden, BOOM, the ways they talk, the things they do, and the way they look are trends and sometimes even fetishes to the exact same people who were HARMING them for it. Suddenly everyone is copying this minority and getting praise without having to face the prejudice and blatant racism that the minorities did. 

Therefore It is SUPER disrespectful ESPECIALLY if you do It incorrectly.

Cultural APPRECIATION is very different because you've done your research and you know the history behind any traditions and you do it correctly and respectfully. You are informing others about the culture and its beauty. While Appropriation can be done with almost anything, Appreciation is usually with clothing, traditions, languages, practices, art, and customs. 

Here's an easy example for you guys...



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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