Chapter 3

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Issei woke up hours later with a huge stomachache, it was a burning-like pain, it didn't made sense, he was punched with something called “White dragon's iron fist" which was only a freaking fist covered in white light! How could that made so much damage?

“Calm down pal, that attack really damaged you” Talk Ddraig inside his head.

Ddraig, why does it huts so much?” Even in his mind his voice sounded in pain.

“And you where lucky, that attack was intended to hurt a dragon, but the light, it had the same effect on you like the light of the angels, and combined with the force of that guy, it was a surprise it didn't left a hole in your stomach” Answered his partner, the relief was crystal clear in his voice.

“Why are you so calm?! He didn't only hurt me bad, but also took Asia!” He was clearly angry, that's when we realized about the things surrounding him, he was in a bedroom that clearly wasn't his, he was in one of the ORC rooms, but the most stranger part of it, there wasn't any naked Rias healing him.

“Mate, I know you're angry, but you have to take it calm and let the pain go away, besides we don't know for sure he took Asia, maybe Lady Rias stopped him” That bring a little calm to the mind of Issei.

He stood up the better he could, using everything in hand to help himself walk, little by little, he exited the room and began to walk through the corridor to reach the main room. Voices could be heard, being louder everytime he approached to the main room, when it finally came to view, he saw something shocking, in the middle of the room there was a statue of Kiba, he saw when it happened in the fight, then, worry began to attack Issei's mind “Is he going to stay like that forever?” “If so, Asia would stay like a statue forever?”  The only idea was terrifying and rage fueling at the same time “Is Asia some kind of  prize to that guy?!”

“Calm down Issei” Spoke Rias feeling his presence and, as if she was reading his mind she then said “That state isn't permanent, the ice can be removed, but appears it only can be done by the one who cast it,” He then acknowledge the people in the room, there was Rias, Koneko, Akeno and Sona Sitri and her peerage, le last one more interested in the strange ice.

“How do you know only he can make it disappear?” Questioned Issei.

“He used it on us, after he knocked you, we tried to stopped him for leaving, but with only a move of his foot, all down of our waist was covered in ice” Explained Akeno, only to see how Issei's rage began to increase.

“Well, that doesn't explain this” Said Sona's queen, Tsubaki, while picking up Koneko's wrist and showing her arm that had marks of string.

“Nor this" Said Sona uncovering the neck of Rias, which she was covering with the collar of the uniform shirt, that surprised almost everyone because there was a little burning mark “So, care to explain?”

“It's also Larcade's doing” Said Rias with a sigh “After trapping us in ice, he summoned white strings that took out Koneko's strength, a shadow lance that almost pieced Akeno, and flames that covered his claws which were put in front of my throat” She talked with a little hesitation, she didn't want to admit it, but she feared for her life, like if that was gonna be it.

“That was a direct attack to the house of Gremory, you should tell your brother” Said Sona's with intense worry in her voice.

“I... I don't know” She was really scared of that guy, of the power that he demonstrated.

“Wait, something isn't right” Said Sona after thinking of the whole situation “A human that has four types of magic?”

“I haven't thought about it, and I don't know how it's possible, but that doesn't matter right now, he kidnapped one of my household, I can't allow that”

“But Rias! You've already seen how dangerous he is, and you are still gonna go find and try to fight him?!” Asked Sona alarmed, she didn't like the situation nor the guy.

“I know, but I can't just leave Asia. Koneko, Akeno, get ready” She ordered trying to create a plan to win this time “Issei, you...” She turn where he used to be just to find out he was no where to be seen.

“He's already gone to find her” Commented Sona looking at her friend, she didn't want to let her go, it was pretty clear this guy was quite dangerous, but she knew she couldn't stop her, so “Listen Rias, we are going with you, we don't know the extent of his magic, so it's better if we all go”

“I appreciate that, thank you Sona” With that, the two childhood friend along with their peerage began the search for the ex nun.

In the abandoned church, Xenovia an Irina where making guard, but it was pretty boring, even though Larcade said he was sure that the devils would come for their guest, it had been like two or three hours and nothing.

“What do you think he's doing down there?” Asked Irina trying to kill the boredom.

“I don't know, he's probably executing the witch, or maybe he's atoning her sins” Commented Xenovia not really interested.

“Did you know he was the one who destroyed the Vatican?” Asked again Irina trying to engage a conversation, which she succeeded.

“WHAT?!” Shouted Xenovia impressed, a few years before, there were reports and news of the Vatican being destroyed, they blamed a group of extremist atheist, but to find about the truth about that was astonishing “HOW DO YOU KNOW?!”

“He told me, he didn't tell you?” They have been partners for like four of five years, so it was common that they share personal things.

Obviously he didn't” Answered Xenovia angry “At least he told you why he did it?”

“Nope” Answered a slightly defeated Irina “I've been trying to get that out of him but...” Xenovia didn't payed attention to the rest, she could feel them.

“The devils are coming, be ready” Xenovia informed making Irina to shut up and take her sword.

Beneath them, in the basement of the church there was Larcade in front of the statue of Asia, still with his arm in her chest, but Larcade looked really tired, what he was doing was consuming a lot of his energy, both mental and magical.

“Do... Don't worry... Asia... A... A few more minutes and... We'll be done...” There was a pretty clear exhausted tone in his voice.

Again with Irina and Xenovia, both of them took their swords and stood up right in front of the basement door guarding it. Both of them were prepared to give Larcade as much time as he needed, just as he asked them to do, both of them follow his command by their own reasons, Irina because she believe in him as a leader and as a brother figure, and Xenovia...

Well, she's Xenovia.

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