Chapter Two

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"Really? Vegetables? Izzy this is never going to work" Simon questioned, when Izzy brought in the tray full of food to the table. On the tray was a variety of vegetables, sandwiches, crisps and dressings. Dotted around the silver tray were shots of blood, for Simon to use to help mask the taste of the food. "We'll start off simple, dip the vegetables in the blood, chew and swallow." Izzy directed the concerned Simon. Hesitantly, Simon picked up a piece of celery and dipped the end into the red blood in the shot glass. He looked at Izzy, who gave him a reassuring look "I love you Simon. You got this" she told him. With a deep breath, Simon took one big bite of the celery, and instantly spat it back out again, all over Izzy. Green and red celery pieces sprayed all over her. Izzy smiled at Simon, and broke into a laughter. "OMG Izzy I am so sorry!! You do make a very cute salad though" he said with a wink. Izzy giggled, and wiped the celery away from her hair. Simon gazed on his beautiful girl, and slowly grabbed a rogue piece from near Izzy's chin, causing her to flush bright pink. "Let's try again, maybe the crisps? Something with a crunch to it" Izzy asked, with a wink that made Simon weak at the knees. 

"When you two have stopped flirting, I need to train Simon for his next mission." Jace bellowed, announcing his arrival into the room. Izzy and Simon shared a final look, before drawing apart from each other. Izzy placed the shot of 0-neg back on the tray. "Make sure he eats some of this please Jace, it's part of his training" she instructed. Jace nodded, as Izzy blew a kiss at Simon and strutted out of the room. Jace handed Simon a sword, and took one for himself. "Ready?" he asked. Simon nodded, and took stance to begin the fight. 

Back and forth the blows went, deep breaths came from both the fighters mouths. In one final blow, Simon pinned Jace to the floor, the blade of his sword close against his outstretch neck. Jaces heart began beating fast against his chest, a single bead of sweat dripped down from his forehead to his chin. A quick breath came out of his mouth as he caught eyes with Simon.

"Nice one!" Jace exclaimed happily, as Simon quickly moved the sword away from his neck. "You've finally beaten me in combat! Only took seven thousand attempts!". Both boys stood up slowly and embraced, smiling from ear to ear. "I think I have enough evidence to sign you off now as fully trained. You will need to show an envoy from the clave your skills though to gain certification." Simon nodded back, as he headed back over to the tray Izzy put down earlier. "I think this deserves a celebratory shot of o-neg!" He shouted, lifting the shot glass of red liquid aloft in the air, before putting it to his lips and letting the cool liquid fall down this throat. "Aaah thats the good stuff." 

The moment was quickly interrupted by Alec, who stormed into the training room "Don't you two ever check your phones! I called a downworlder meeting like half an hour ago! Simon you were supposed to be there" he shouted angrily, a vain pulsing at the top of his forehead as he shouted. Jace quickly headed to Alec, holding him back to calm him down "Hey! Hey! It's my fault Simon missed the meeting. I was doing his final fighting module. He passed by the way, just so you know. But he's all yours now, brother." Simon walked gingerly over to a pissed off Alec, who had now stopped stomping towards him and was stood in the middle of the training room, his fists clenched and his limbs frozen to the ground as Jace held him back. Alec slowly unclenched, brushed himself down, and lead Simon out of the training room to the meeting room, where the other members of the downworld council were sat around a large round table, each with a pad of scribbles of notes on the pages. 

Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn sat at the head of the table, wiggling his hand so purple smoke circle appeared between his fingers, with small lightning bolts flashing and sparkling. His cat eyes glowed bright orange, warning off anyone who attempted to make contact with him whilst he was in the zone. 

Maia Roberts, Alpha of the New York Werewolf pack, sat with her head in her hands, running her palm through her wild hair as she studied her pinging phone in front of her. E-mails and invoices came flooding through relating to her restaurants stock and intake. As she fluttered through her phone, another person made their way back to the table.

Ezekiel Smith, new leader of the New York Vamps, gingerly sat next to Maia at the table, teeth ready to be bared. Feuds had begun between the vamps and the wolves since Jonathans downfall, through fear of who would come next. Maia barely flinched as he sat down, just looked up from the light of her phone and stared at him, her eyes glowing green as a warning.

"And he is finally here" Lucian Greymark announced with a smile as Simon sat at his designated seat next to Alec at the table.  "Apologies for being late, Jace wanted me to do some last minute training. Alec, what's on the agenda?"

Alec stood up with a touch screen tablet, and proceeded to announce to the group they had seen a figure enter Valentines abandoned lair in Chernobyl. Without revealing too much worry on the council, Alec, with Simons backing, suggested the groups keep their clans and packs close by and accounted for, in order to keep them safe. The entrance to the Seelie realm will be sealed, and access will be by appointment to the queen only, by the Seelie knights and head knight, Meliorn. Thankfully, all leaders agreed, as they didn't want the events of both Valentine and Jonathan to repeat themselves. After much agreement, signing of contracts between shadowhunters and downworlders, the leaders started to file out of the institute lead by Simon. Maryse Lightwood was waiting at the entrance for Luke. "I need to show you something" she told him, and the both snuck off to a library in the far corner of the institute, where they woudn't be found. "I found Valentine's family tree, I think I know who the figure is".

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