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"Foxfire Kitsunes" that can light up darkness are called Kitsunebi.

The Kitsunebi's are Kitsunes that can create illusions, but also mislead humans...

The Kitsunebis human side are not dangerous to other humans, but the Fox soul behind the human, yes. So now when the Kitsunebi has full control it's time  there playtime.

They can only appear at night. They can even create a fire ball form there breaths. The will be hard or see because they will only look like a ball of fire. So good luck with that!  (Lol)

And if that isn't bad enough they will probably lead you to a place where you shouldn't be or if you luck has ran out, the Kitsunebi will lead you to hungry Yokai's.

(Yōkai's is legendary and supernaturals spirits or monsters in Japanese mythology).

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