Chapter 10: Love.

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Peter's POV: I woke up to find my arms empty of Marigold. I sat up to find myself in an empty infirmary. I got out of the small infirmary bed and made way into the hall. As I walked down the corridor, I could swear I could hear Marigold talking to someone. As I turned the corner, I saw the guard that had been stationed in the infirmary not long ago, with his lips roughly pressed against Marigold's, as his buff arms pinned her to the wall. And before I knew what was happening, Pan came back, and the next thing I remember was standing over the motionless body of the teenage guard. I looked up to see a horrified Marigold with her hands covering her mouth, her cheeks splattered in some of his blood. As my eyes met hers, shame filled me and I ran.

Marigold's POV: "Peter! Peter!" I yelled, continuously pounding on the bedroom door he had locked himself in. I could hear his sobs coming through the thick wood of the door. "Peter! It's ok!" I yelled through the door. "No. It's really not!" he shouted back at me. "I let you down Marigold, it's not ok!" I sighed for the hundredth time and answered "Peter you didn't let me down. That guard was assaulting me. You were just saving me!" I said, anger building up towards the end. "Did I kill him?" he asked in a voice so soft, I wasn't sure if he had said it at all. "No Peter, you didn't. He's just severely injured, something which he deserved." I stated. I heard Peter get up and approach the door. "Can you forgive me Marigold?" he whispered through the door. "I was never mad at you Peter. Or even disappointed in you." I said. Soon, I felt the knob turn and when the door opened, there stood the love of my life, my true love. And I flung myself into Peter's arms.

*About Three Years Later:

Marigold's POV: The love Peter and I have shared has only grown in the past three years, and our true love has shown through any hard decision or event that we had faced together. I truly loved him. And he'd never miss an opportunity to tell me or show me how much he truly loved me. Although tonight, he seemed to have been going all out. Our night started out at the ball my parents had been holding this evening for my 20th birthday, followed by an amazing feast, and then Peter excused himself and asked if I would please come with him. As Peter held my hand and led me to an unknown location, I couldn't help but notice how the light cast shadows on his face perfectly, and made his eyes seemed an almost pure green color. We soon reached the stables that held Peter's horse, which he quickly saddled and climbed atop of, holding his hand out for me to take. After I allowed Peter to pull me up behind him on his horse, we set off towards the beach. Once we had reached the beach, which seemed to have been Peter's destination, he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers, much like he had the first night we fell in love back in Never Land. I walked along side Peter until we reached a large blanket, which was in the center of magically lit sparks that seemed to be suspended in space, in the air surrounding the blanket. Before I had the chance to sit down on the blanket with Peter, he pulled me towards the center of the blanket, and pulled me close to his chest, and we began to slow dance together to the music that had begun to play as he and I continued to move in time to each other. As the song began to fade away, I felt Peter slip down to one knee and hold out a box that held a diamond ring that was encrusted with the royal wedding symbol of my family. I looked into Peter's eyes as his pupils grew larger and he asked the question that would change our lives forever. "Will you marry me, Marigold?" And all I could find myself doing was repeatedly saying yes after having tackled Peter to the ground in a loving embrace.

Peter's POV: Today was the day, the day that the Prophecy from my dream had spoken of. The day I got to marry the love of my life, and be happily with her for the rest of our lives. I smiled as I looked out over the enchanted forest that after today would be ours to rule together. "You ready to get married Peter?" I heard Emma say from behind me. However, this time I was sure of the word that came out of my mouth. "Yes." I said, feeling a smile appear on my face. I was ready to start my life with the girl I loved more than anything in this world. "You are one lucky man to be marrying my sister. She truly changed you. I was skeptical at first." Emma said to me, just like she had in my dream many years ago. "I love her. And there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. I'm not the same boy you met years ago Emma." I said, once again confident in my words. "I know." She said and smiled. "Welcome to the family Peter." She said, and then walked out of the room to go help Marigold, as I made my way to the throne room, waiting for the ceremony to begin, and to see the most beautiful girl in the world become my wife.

When I saw her come through the two double doors, all I could do was stare in awe at her beauty as two tears of joy slid down my cheeks. I watched as Charming led her gracefully down the isle, and all I saw in her eyes was her love for me, and I smiled. Before I knew it, she was standing in front of me, our hands entwined out in front of us as the words, "I do." left my mouth. "I do." I heard her say, and I leaned in to kiss her and seal our love for each other for eternity.

(Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, schools been insane lately. This is the 2nd to last chapter. Following this chapter is the epilogue. Hope you guys enjoy.)

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