Two heartbeats.

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Niall's POV:  

"Hey Jade! We gotta get going for that doctor appointment!" I yelled through the apartment, we were going to the doctor to see the child's sex. "I don't want the nursery to be that ugly yellow!". A laugh was heard, before Jade stepped out from her bedroom. She moved in with me a couple of days after we told the boys. A public statement was yet to be made, but that was not our burden. It was management's. We wrote the statement, and it was a spokesman, who was going to deliver the news to the world.  

"What are you hoping for?" Jade asked me, as we were driving to the hospital. "I hope it's a boy.".  

I shrugged a bit, not really having thought about it before. "A girl, I think...". She smiled mysteriously, making me laugh. As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I made sure there wasn't any paparazzis around. We went in, and we waited in the waiting room.  

"What will people think?" she wondered with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I mean, I know some people will be harsh, and some will think it's great, but in general?". She was laying on the plastic bench in the relatively empty room, with her feet in my lap.  

"Who cares what people think?" I replied happily, giving her a little grin. "I'm going to be a daddy!".  

"Jade Thirlwall?" Dr. Miller, the doctor Jade had told me about, called out. We got up, and I introduced myself. "Follow me,". We went into a room, and something sticky was put on Jade's stomach, and she squeezed my hand a little. 'It's cold' she mouthed to me. A weird sounding heartbeat echoed around the room, and Dr. Miller squinted her eyes at the screen. "I don't know how I didn't see this the last time, but there's two heartbeats...". We both gaped at her, confusement obvious in our faces. "Twins. Boy and girl.".  

Jade started to laugh. "We better change that statement,". I joined her in laughing, as did Dr. Miller. She was aware of our situation, Jade trusted her not to tell anyone. I looked at the screen. My kids.  

Dr. Miller had given us the ultrasound picture, and I texted it to all the boys with the same caption to everyone: "A boy and a girl! You're coming over to help paint at 11 am, okay?".  

We had picked up some white painting on the way home, even though the color was boring.  

"We can just decorate the room, so it won't be boring!" Jade said optimistic, as we spectated the room, our children would live in. "Add some color, you know, draw stuff on the wall...". She stood and thought about other things. "Oh! We can have their names beside their cribs! You can buy those little letters!".  

"In case we forget their names? C'mon, they won't look exactly like each other!" I joked laughing, noticing her cocked eyebrow. "I like the idea, but we don't have names for them. Or cribs. Or toys...".  

Jade chuckled at my sudden realization. "Don't worry, I've got it covered. Your mom is sending your old crib, my mom's sending mine. I texted them, while you were finding paint,".  

I grinned, just as the bell rang. "You're brilliant, Jade, bloody brilliant!". We greeted the boys and girls, and the latter were completely over-the-top happy.  

"Oh my god! I can't wait!" Perrie squealed cheerily, while we were painting the room. "I'm going to be a godmother, it's so great!".  

"Have you thought about names yet, 'cause I think the boy should have Harry as middle name," Harry suggested "discreetly", smirking. "Since I'm going to be their godfather. I am, right?".  

"We haven't decided on the godfather yet," Jade laughed softly, dipping the brush in the paint. "It's gonna be one of you guys, okay?". The boys nodded with a sigh. I let out a muffled grin, and I went over to Jade.

"You know, they're gonna suck up to us, right?" I whispered in her ear, earning a giggle from her, and a wondering glance from Jesy, who eyed us suspiciously. "But I think I've already made my choice,". Jade shot her head up. "Harry. He's so great with Lux, I mean the boys all are, but he's lived with Lou, Tom and Lux. He knows how to take care of a kid.".

She chewed on her lip. "You're right,". We both glanced shortly over at the curlyhaired boy, who was laughing with Perrie and Leigh-Anne at Liam complaining about having paint on his shirt. We returned to coloring the walls in our unborn children's room.


Late at night, a bit over 12 am, Jade was laying on the couch, watching television, while I was making the final touches to the statement. Dr. Miller had ensured us, that the babies were safe, and it was okay to tell people.

We, Niall and Jade are happy to tell you, that we're expecting twins, and Jade is two months along. It's actually surprising how long we managed to keep our relationship a secret, but this we couldn't keep from you. Love, Niall and Jade.

"What about names?" she asked tired, kicking her feet gently against the side of my left leg. "I like Charlie for the boy...".

"Colleen for the girl..." I said just as tired. "Charlie and Colleen.".

Jade smiled a bit. "I like it, Niall...". We both sent each other an exhausted look, before we laughed. I stood up, quickly picking her up bridal-style. She let out a little scream of excitement, as I carried her to her bed. I softly laid her on the mattress, and I pulled the covers over.

I kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight, love,". I went in the living room, grabbing my laptop. I wanted to buy something for Jade; a gift. I found a blue dress, matching her hair, and a black-white polkadotted bowtie. She was giving birth to my daughter and son, I could at least give her a gift.


I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry for the wait, but you gotta understand that ideas come to me gradually. But thank you for reading! :)

P.S. I don't know why pictures won't work with my stories, but if you have Chrome just right-click it and try to open it on a new page :)

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