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After 500 years in the future, Plants and humans have made a revolution to the world with the 2 kinds on earth. They have made countless cities for the peacefulness of plants and humans.

There was a group of plants who have lived through many wars and battles to save human kind. The ones who had stood the longest against these battles.

"And after that, you should be great enough to make a drink on your own" Said a sunflower. She was teaching her mate how to make a good beverage, "I guess this is a lot easier than I thought it would be" A peashooter said just holding his drink being proud about what he made.

The sunflower's pov:
"Heh, welp that's another thing to make him learn today"....

Oh have I forgot to introduce myself? Oh silly me but I'll get right to it!

Hi, I'm sunflower..well you can call me Mai. I've been through many wars with zombies for 500 years, that right there is my best friend Rin. We used to call him pea but he kinda got tired of the name. We used to be couples and I knew it wasn't safe for the both of us to do that back in the danger times so I had to make the decision to break up with him.

Yeah, it sounds like a really odd for a reason to break up with someone but we seemed to get used to it and yet we still ended up being very close even though we're exes. To be honest I still love everything about him even for a close friend he's just too precious and..god he's so adorable.

Oh I think I might have said too much, well moving on!

Things have changed a lot for these past times, all forbidden places and the ruins has become something much better. So many cities and places for people to live in that I just want to live in all of them at the same time.

Our adventures through neighbourville, verdant isle, Sunset scenery town, Cybertroid city, etc. We even have a map for these places just to spent our time on adventures and they were incredible experiences.

(Pvz fanfic) Plants vs Predators : Welcome to the CrystophiaWhere stories live. Discover now