part 1: It Ended Before It Could Start.

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something had been bugging me for a while, something deep in my stomach (wtf as soon as i wrote this my stomach started hurting). i would usually brush off the feeling of stomach aches as they never really seemed to affect my daily life.

however, this one wasn't like other stomach aches.

it was as if a massive fucking cockroach was literally eating me from the inside out. the cockroach was probably really hungry idk it just kept munching even when i went to work.

as i pulled my chair out from under my desk and began to sit down on it, the cockroach took a REALLY BIG BIG bite out of my kidney and thats how i ended up with just one working kidney.

i quickly typed up on booble "what to do if your kidney was eaten by a stomach cockroach" and it said to not eat stuff like paracetamol and i started to cry because i love paracetamol. i could never live without that shit

anyway yeah my coworkers got worried because.. well why wouldn't they i was literally having a breakdown at my desk with the words "dont take paracetamol you dumb fuck" written on my screen.

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