Poem 2 ✧ ~ Deprivation of Sunshine

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    Vanessa L.

He stands solitarily, thinking of what has been and trying to understand why? Why such gaiety and such beauty could be taken from one so prematurely. The solitary man is left a widow with four young children, barely in their adolescence, left with what has been of his world, a cruel world, without her in his loving arms. She was a ray of sunshine who brought light on a gloomy day, who brought absolute excitement to everyone on a day so empty and dull, who had brought kindness in a world of inhumanity. But most importantly, one who brought him a new and desired life filled with true devotion and lust. She bore him 4 healthy children and gave him the absolute care of a perfect wife. Oh how she loved living, how she loved the fragrance of nature, sweet mother nature. She loved every aspect of life even during trying times such as this here in the colonies. She loved to smile and loved to close her eyes and do affirmations. She had a special kind of love for everything and everyone. She had a special place in her heart for Joseph, her husband, and Samuel and all the Sons Of Liberty. Even on her deathbed, she smiled and thanked God for the journey on Earth. She thanked him for the sweetness of nature and she thanked him for every happy moment in her life. She closed her eyes and perished with a bittersweet smile. The light faded out into darkness, her love, forever to be cherished and remembered. “Without that kind of love, what is life?” The widow asked God. “What is life if all I have left here is an aching heart and soul? What is life if my children don’t have the influence of a mother?” He got down on his knees, putting his trembling hands on the wet grass. “God give me a sign you still care. Give me but one sign that you’ll guide me through life with a bright torch. Can you hear me?” He stopped. “Heal me father. Heal me from that pain I’ve been left with. Find me a clear path from this day forward and lead my children into ease, dear God. I still believe and I still love.” He stopped again and spoke in a whisper. “Unbreak my heart.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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