The Outside of the Sidewalk

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I love my friends IMMENSELY, and I know they love me back
If certain situations happen I'd be right there for them
I'd fight a bear for them
I'm almost certain I'd take a bullet for them
I'd consider giving up my life just so they can live, because they're a part of me
The people you surround yourself with become parts of who you are, and it's the slivers of them within me that help make me whole
They don't go a day without me telling them I love them at least 5 times
Sometimes I wonder though, can friendship be unrequited?
As deeply as I care for them I also fear it's one sided
If someone's behind everyone else it's always me
If someone gets left behind on accident, it's me that's forgotten like an old CD
If there's not enough space in the hallway I slip to the back or I'm solo in the front
I'm always picked first to drive the car, but not first to come over
How come I've never seen your room? Why haven't I stayed over? How come I ask you if you're alright but it was only one time you offered me your shoulder?
Why can I deal with feelings and you can't help but laugh? I want to genuinely be there for you, but emotions make you gag
Can friendships be unrequited? Is this all in my head?
Would you have these thoughts if you were the one on the outside of the sidewalk instead?

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