Stan The Ordinary Guy

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Stan is a Guy who works at a department store and he works 24/7. One day when he was going home from work he saw a starving begard, he gave him some money and the begard was so pleased. The other day when he was walking to work, a guy pulled him to the ally way and got sucked into a big pipe going down, it was so long it took 5 minutes to get to the place, and when he arrived he saw lots of people in black suits, Stan says "where am I" a woman walked to him "so you're the new guy?", Stan "what?", so Stan followed the woman and said "what is this place?", woman "this is the lobby, here is your portable map, nice to meet you and welcome to N.E.R.D. Oh yeah, here's your money back. Stan does not now that he actually just joined a secret organization.

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