Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Grief

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In a room filled with multiple clam shaped beds, 6 mermaid girls between the ages of 6 to 11 and a small 11 year old girl that was not like her mermaid family, two little wolf ears on her head a fluffy tail curled around her legs.

The children gathered around a red haired woman singing to them, her voice soft and gentle, her lullaby soothing the children. 

A rustle from behind them caught attention of the odd child from the bunch, looking up to see a brunette man with a five year old girl, identical to the singing woman.

Right beside the woman, a blonde 6 year old girl sat in front of her, holding her blanket up over her tail, listening intently to her mother's song.

Behind the 6 year old, two other girls sat side by side, a 7 year year old, platinum blonde girl and an 8 year old brunette girl.

In the middle of the room another brunette around 9 sat with her arms around her tail, staring up at her mother.

To the left of the 9 year old sat a 10 year old, black haired girl, laying on her belly in her bed.

Behind her, the two 11 year olds were curled up together in another bed, a brunette mermaid, with the white haired odd ball child curled up with her, resting her head on top of the brunette's.

The red haired 5 year old looked toward her father, who looked from the rest of his family, back to his youngest, smiling in joy as she hugged him, before she swam to join her sisters, settling in her bed.

While the Queen sang, the small 11 year old, Kenzie, started to drift off, still resting her head on top of Attina's, falling asleep before Athena could end the song, the King moving his ward and eldest daughter to settle them both into the bed.

Before swimming up to meet his wife as she finished the song, before Athena bid the children good night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to the next part~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kenzie swam alongside the princesses, but had to swim a little harder in order to keep up with them, the 8 girls laughing as the went to the cove where the King, Queen and multiple other mermaids were, celebrating the anniversary for the two rulers.

The girls swam up behind a rock, poking their heads up from behind it, spying on the King and Queen, the closer the couple got to each other, the daughters started laughing as Kenzie looked between them, smiling at her friends, before looking back to see the king had disappeared, she along with the other princesses other than Adella quickly ducked down to hide, causing Attina to drag her sister down with them.

The girls clinging to the side of the rock laughing together, not noticing the king swimming up behind them, before he grabbed them, causing all 8 girls to squeal in shock and joy, Arista's tail hitting her father in the face.

before the girls squealed again, tackling the king down into the water, when they came back up, Athena laughed a the sight of her family, Ariel, Arista, Alana and Aquata sat on their father's back, Kenzie, Attina, Andrina and Adella swam beside them, happily laughing as they swam around the cove.

Kenzie and Attina stopped for a bit, moving to sit with Athena as Kenzie had to stop and catch her breath, having swam with her head out of the water for a little too long, her fur on her ears and tail as well as her hair weighing her down.

Kenzie looked up at the sky, watching the clouds, before something dark caught her eye, she looked over to the right side, looking at the dark clouds rolling in, the small girl staring up at the clouds fixated on the storm heading towards them, until a gasp from Ariel caught her attention, making her look towards the King catching his youngest after having thrown her in the air, before all heads turned to the direction of the storm.

beneath the clouds, a large pirate ship passed through a stone arch near the cove, heading straight towards them, the unsettling view caused Kenzie to freeze, going still in shock and fear, the creaking of the wooden ship hit the small girl's ears which had pinned to her head, she couldn't move, her body still and shocked.

A loud shout caught everyone's attention, but still Kenzie hadn't moved, or acknowledged the kings shout, multiple merpeople fleeing.

The King leapt forward after his shout, carrying his youngest, grabbing most of his other children, Andrina, Arista, Aquata and Adella, the thing that jolted Kenzie out of her shock was the sound of struggling beside her, turning to see Attina trapped beneath a rock, causing her to move to help her closest friend, pressing her small body against the rock, trying to dislodge it to free the eldest princess.

A shadow over her made her look behind her, the Queen helping to push the rock off, Kenzie tumbling into the cove and Attina leaping down with her, grabbing the smaller girl and swimming away as quickly as she could.

the two eldest girls moved towards the younger princesses, leading them to the safety of their home, waiting for the return of the King and Queen.

The king returned, but Athena was gone, in his anger and pain, the king banned music entirely, becoming more closed off from his daughters and life in the kingdom was never the same, Kenzie couldn't help but wonder if things would only get worse.

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