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Currently playing//: I want to break free by Queen

What day is it again?

I couldn't see much from my cubicle, working an office job didn't help my wondrous mind, I wish I could leave this place and work on my own projects.

"Y/N." A voice rang.

I guess that'll never happen.

"Y/N!" The voice screamed.

I suddenly woke from my daydream, break time was over, I turned over to see my boss planted in front of me, I sigh. "Hello, sir. You seem as bright as always" I spoke, he looked very angry, maybe our stocks had gone down or maybe his children wet the bed, I couldn't care less. I hate my job.

"You owe last week's paperwork, and because of this overdue, our fucking stocks went down. Now tell me how you plan on fixing this?" He said and slammed his fist on my table, causing the entire room to collapse in silence.

This is so embarrassing.

"I'm not too sure. I remember giving in the paperwork, but maybe I didn't." I spoke, I could feel his anger, but to be honest, I didn't care, so maybe the next words to come out of my mouth won't be the prettiest. "You know...I think, maybe! I should quit!" I said and got up from my office chair, I grabbed my phone and my briefcase . "This job sucks anyways! I may get money and some fun drama to tell my family, but waking up and seeing your rat-looking face is like putting playboy carti in MY HEADPHONES." I snapped.

His jaw dropped.

"Goodbye good sir, enjoy your life," I said and walked out, not the best choice, but it was kind of the best or more like the coolest thing I've ever done. I walk over to the elevator and walked in, pressing the button to the parking lot. Slumping on the wall, realizing that on that my only source of income was practically gone.

I sighed and tried to find the positive side to this, but to my surprise, nothing came to mind. I really need to get my impulse under control, I finally reached the parking lot, I sluggishly made my way to my car and started fumbling in my pocket to find my keys, I opened my car's front door and threw my things inside and crawled to the other end of my car and closed the door behind me.

I push my hair back and slumped on my car seat, wishing to maybe take back the words I said but yet again that was the first time I ever stood up for myself so I stood by my words.

I looked at my outside window.

I'm guessing that I should start looking for a job, maybe this time not an office job.

I start my car and started making my way to my apartment, I saw my old workplace disappearing from my windshield, I sighed, I turned on my radio to push down the silence that had entered my car.

"Up next [F/S] !" The radio spoke.

I gasped and turned on the radio, this day was no way better. I smiled at the lyrics that ran through my brain, I really enjoyed this song, even if most didn't, I sure did. I could see my house from the distance, I made a u-turn to find a parking spot which to my sudden surprise, I did! "Oo! This is a first! A parking spot right in front of my apartment! This is amazing." I spoke, I parked my car and got out with my things.

I walk up the stairs and opened the front gate, making my way to my own home, walking past the cute neighbor I had, it was a lucky day. I finally made it to my door, opening the front door and walking in, I see that dark room and sigh, I wish had a pet, but my only pet died last year, so it still hurts.

I place my things on the floor and walked over to my couch, I slushy slumped on my couch, and I felt the weight on my shoulders lift, the day may have started shitty but it's going amazing so far. I closed my eyes, I felt a wave of tiredness hit me, I was out like a light.

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