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The Grand Narukami Shrine was indeed a very peaceful place, surrounded by the chirping of birds and sakura blossoms. But this peace meant nothing when your heart itched to be somewhere else.

I sighed as I stared at the direction of the Kamisato estate, wondering what he was upto.
And you may wonder, who is this he?


I had no clue myself.

I have heard of love triangles before, and even experienced something similar back in Monstadt with the a certain cryo and pyro duo. But it wasn't a love triangle, and I had known them long enough to choose our friendships over my heart's desires.

However, this time, these people weren't my friends that I had known for years. These were two new individuals, a pyro and hydro duo, that have both managed to capture my heart.

Man, what's with me and falling in love triangles with Vision bearers of the opposite elements?

A single sakura blossom fell onto my knee. As I was about to pick it up, another fell on it, managing to knock them both down to the ground. I chuckled, the scene feeling a bit too familiar.

Or perhaps, they won't knock each other down, for I was sure of one thing - Thoma would choose Ayato over his own feelings. Thus, if we ever came to it, Thoma would let Ayato have me and move aside reluctantly. In any other case, I would've been upset at the fact he wouldn't choose me over his boss. However, after seeing their connection up front, I would hate myself if I ever came between them.

Welp, good thing they're not into me, right?

Or that's what I thought, albeit their gestures and sweet words make me feel otherwise.

Thoma, the gentle yet efficient housekeeper who has been there for me since I came to Inazuma - illegally too might I add. He's been a friend through thick and thin, always paying attention to my needs and emotions. His genius tactics and problem-solving skills never failed to amuse me, there was a lot to him than what met the eyes. Even so, he always seemed like an open book. Genuine care, raw emotions, it's no surprise that his warm smile and soothing presence had me smitten.

On the contrary, Ayato was but an intoxicating mystery, waiting to be solved. The way he held himself and the tone he spoke in, those captivating eyes, everything about him stirred something inside of me. I'd tell myself it's just a crush, but the unconscious thoughts and fake scenarios that bloomed in my mind would prove me otherwise. He was tactical, graceful, charming, polite - I could go on all day. It feels dreamy, and as someone who thrived on mysteries, my heart was completely wrapped around the Kamisato brother's finger.

I sighed, it was unreasonable and absurd of me to have feelings for two men. Alas, here I was.

Will I be able to choose between them? Or will I leave my desires to burn out as I've previously done, sacrificing my love for the connection I had established with these two men?

I mean, it's not like I can have them both, right?


hmmm, she can't have them both, or can she?👀

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