The Waking Light {Chapter 6}

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{Author's note: Hello, sorry that this chapter took longer than usual, I just couldn't find the words to explain some parts, but without further ado, here's the sixth chapter!}

Two weeks after Storm's attack...

Everyone was alright after the sudden appearance of Storm, who took over Tessla for a day, and it was hard on herself, to the point where Captain Robloxia simply lied about it on the news stating that "somebody else did it to her"when in reality, it was her guilt and anger that pushed the heroine into her villainous alter ego, and in that, also drained her energy, resulting her to be in her room, unconscious. The other members presuming it was a coma or just fainting, or even worse, her death.

Amethysto POV

"Tessla hasn't woken up for two weeks now, I'm getting worried- no, anxious, I should have thrown away that shard while I had the chance."  I thought hard, but took a heavy exhale, letting all those feelings out of my chest. I loved her, more than friends, even when we first met, back then. When I was put in my cell, she was the first person to visit me, and actually not interrogate me about anything bad I did, unlike the other two men, who just kept a serious face. Overdrive was an exception cause he was yelling about Kinetic.  

I adjusted the strings on my violet hoodie and fixed my jeans as well, and exited my dorm, and walked down the stairway to the main room and...


She was standing there, looking in front of me with a surprised reaction, then shifted to a somehow confused smirk.
I ran to her and embraced her, it was pleasant having her back on the team.

"Ame, what happened? I was unconscious for a while.."

"I.. don't wanna say it right now."

She sat on the meeting table, fiddling with her blonde hair, observing the wounds on her wrists which were now healed, then she glanced at the Daily Robloxia Newspaper, her blue eyes shifting, reading the header.

"Robloxia City's Electric Heroine, defeated by Villainess Storm..." She read out loud, then she turned to me, and the anxiety rose again.

"Amethysto, please, tell me what happened.."

"Fine... After Storm was beaten, it also beat you up, resulting in you fainting, a-and in a coma.. I was worried, Tess..." I explained, but my words grew quieter as I finished. She stood up from her seat and fixed the loose strand of my indigo hair, we were both near each other again. "Gosh, should I tell her?"

"Ame, I need to tell you something important."

"What is it?"

She got closer to me, which made me more anxious, until she cornered me to a wall, held her bandaged hands to my cheeks and...

"Oh my gosh, she actually kissed me."

And she was quite the passionate kisser too, her lips touching mine, it was just- no words that I can say. I simply covered my face in embarrassment, and she simply laughed afterward.

After Captain Robloxia arrived, we all sat down on the meeting table, it wasn't serious or anything, just in our casual clothing.

"Its great to have you back, sis."

"You too, Captain."

"So uh, have you heard the news, sir?" Overdrive questioned.

"Was it on the newspaper? I've read it earlier." Tessla stated, which was true.

"Uh, no, it was the other thing you guys did earlier."


"You KNEW the entire time?!"

"Yeah, I even took a photo of it-"

Kinetic snatched Overdrive's phone, and gave it to the Captain with his telekinesis. And it was just embarrassing at this point to not admit it. I looked at Tessla who simply watched the three guys argue on what we'll do, and passed a note to me.

"Maybe you're my waking light after the raging storm."

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