"My Dear Sunshine"

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Ronnie, AKA 'Sunshine' was worried for his friend and crush, Gerry.

Gerry was currently in the hospital after he had been in a car accident with Truck-Sama.

Ronnie had recently learned that one of Gerry's internal organs had been punctured, and rushed to the hospital.

He was in the waiting room when a nurse came up to him. "Gerry wants to talk to you, be careful though, he's quite fragile right now," the nurse said anxiously.

Ronnie nodded and headed to Gerry's room. His heart broke when he saw Gerry laying in a hospital bed breathing faintly and with many injuries.

"Sunshine? Is that you?" Gerry rasped out.

Ronnie rushed over to Gerry's bed, "Yeah, it's me. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." His eyes started filling with tears, and he rapidly blinked his tears back.

"It's okay Sunshine, if you had been there you would be laying next to me in a hospital bed." Ronnie gave Gerry a watery smile.

Gerry seemed to be contemplating something, when he finally said, "You know, I can still remember how soft you lips felt, your slightly calloused hands, and I can recall how your cherry chapstick tasted."

Ronnie's eyes widened in shock as he stood there. "Why are you telling me this so suddenly?" Said Ronnie worriedly, he had never heard Gerry open up much, and was scared what it could mean.

Gerry smiled sadly, "Because I love you," he said softly then started coughing heavily.

Ronnie was shocked from his crush's confession, then decided to make a decision to throw all common sense out the window and let his heart speak for him.

"I also love you, I love your gentle voice, your decision not to shun me, I love all you faults and weaknesses, and I love you heart." Ronnie said all this in a loving tone.

Gerry reached out his hand and barely caught Ronnie's. "I'm glad to know that, my dear Sunshine."

Gerry's eyes went lifeless, and his hand dropped like a stone from Ronnie's grasp.

The line went flat, and Gerry was dead. That thought went through Ronnie's head, and he let out a heart-rending sob.


  The next morning Ronnie was found dead with a bottle of pills in his hand and a note whose only words said, I'll see him soon.          

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