❤Liv and Mickey❤ Part 1

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Todays story is about Liv and Mickey.
The countless times I told Liv she was in love with Mickey she never would have dreamed of the day that the truth came out.

It was a lovely day in sunny England and the group was as always noisy. Especially May she was going crazy saying "LIV TELL HER,TELL HER". By the time it was break time Liv was mega STRESSED (she was dieing) she knew by the end of the day May would have spilled the beans to Mickey.

I was so exited because I've been waiting for this moment to happen for forever. When lunchtime came we were all chuckling especially me and Rosie (we are so immature),we would get up and follow liv around bugging her :). It was getting to the end of lunch and Mickey had already figured it out. She took Liv and went to talk to her....

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