Love is Not Dead

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It was Reaper's day off. He normally would have busied himself with his job when he felt like this, the unquenchable longing for the touch of another.

That was the predicament though, as a god of death any living thing he touched would die almost instantly. His friends and family did their best to comfort him, but there was only so much they could do.

When the feeling overwhelmed him that day he teleported to Life's garden.

There was a single large boulder in the middle of the garden that had been set up for him so he wouldn't hurt anything but could admire the beautiful flora and fauna of the place. He sat down comfortably upon the stone and listened to his best friend Toriel singing to some barely sprouted plants, growing them to maturity in an instance.

He had always had a fondness for her but he wouldn't dare physically touch her in fear of losing her again after what happened all those years ago.

"Hello Sans, how long have you been here?"

"I only just got here."

The goddess looked at Reaper's face and saw his equivalent to a frown.

"Are you having another bad day? Is there anything I can do?"

They had had this conversation so many times. For once Reaper spoke his mind,

"No! There's nothing you can do, nothing anyone can!" His frustration with his disability had gotten to him, he had yelled at Toriel, but rather than her being mad at him back, she just looked concerned.

She moved her paw-like hand to touch him but before she made a big mistake he teleported away again.

Reaper sobbed angry tears. He was so angry at himself that he didn't realize he wasn't in his own world anymore.

After a long time he heard a voice, "Are you... alright?"

The voice sounded similar to his own but different in a way he couldn't explain.

He looked up to see a skeleton in all white.

Well not all white... They had a large red wound over their stomach and blood that stained their white clothing.

Something seemed off about this monster, like they should have been dead, but weren't.

"So, what's your crime? What did you do to end up in the void?"

Reaper stopped crying and looked around him and other monster. There was absolutely nothing, the whole environment was as empty as a blank canvas.

His confusion was clear on his face due to the other monster saying, "You don't know? Did everyone in your world die or something? Or did you mess with the code somehow?"

Those two questions caused Reaper to become even more confused.

He got up and looked everywhere around him, he even opened his wings to fly above the other monster and see more of the area but there was still nothing other than the two of them.

He landed on the ground gracefully and his wings closed. The other monster looked up at Reaper in awe.

"You can fly and teleport? What other magic do you have?"

Reaper replied,

"I have bone-shaped projectiles and my scythe.

I also have the ability to kill anything I touch.

That last ability is one I have no control over."

"Are you sure about that? I've tried, I can't die. No matter where I am and what I do I can't die."

Reaper Geno: An Afterdeath StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu