Fun at the park

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~The next morning~

Marvin was awakened by a loud banging at his door; he groaned in annoyance sitting up; he didn't know what time it was and he was getting slightly annoyed with someone randomly knocking at his door. Marvin got up when he heard another loud knock at his door he was now getting extremely annoyed by it and decided to figure out who was knocking at his door so loudly he walked up to his door and opened it. Marvin's face paled when he saw Evelien on the other side giving him a stern glare. He didn't know why she was so upset then his eyes went wide as he saw that she was holding what appeared to be a five-year-old toddler on her waist.

"Marvin, did you do this?!" Evelien said sternly as she pointed at the toddler.

"Whose kid is that?" Marvin asked with a confused look on his face.

"Doesn't he look familiar to you, Marvin? Doesn't he remind you of someone?" Evelien asked, looking at the magician angrily.

Marvin looked at the kid and began examining him closely he noticed that the toddler was slightly glitching which caused Marvin's eyes to widen he then looked at Evelien frowning slightly he felt like she knew that he was the cause of this and he felt terrible for it.

"Is that Anti? What happened to him? Why is he like this?" Marvin asked, looking at Evelien raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, Marvin. I thought you might have an answer for why he's like this." Evelien said, groaning a bit as she adjusted the toddler a bit.

Marvin thought for a bit trying to figure out what was the cause of this sudden change then it hit him he looked at Evelien, his face turning pale he was nervous to tell her what he had done last night he told her it was a magic trick he was going to perform for everyone. Marvin sighed softly and decided to tell her the truth; he knew that she was going to be mad at him, but he needed to tell her what his plan was; he can't just keep lying to her face.

"I know what happened, but I thought I followed the instructions correctly." Marvin said with a nervous smile on his face.

"What instructions? What did you do, Marvin?" Evelien said, sighing softly as she set Anti down gently on the floor.

"I was getting pissed cause he keeps pulling his annoying pranks on me so I thought I should get him back." Marvin said, rubbing the back of his neck avoiding her glare.

"That isn't telling me what you did to your brother, Marvin." Evelien said, looking at the magician sternly crossing her arms.

"Okay, I made a potion that'll take his powers away for 48 hours, but I didn't think this would happen. I thought I looked over the instructions carefully. This shouldn't be happening. I don't know what I did wrong." Marvin said, looking at Evelien with a frown.

"Marvin, I understand what he does is annoying, but you can't do that to him, especially make a potion that takes away his powers. He's your brother and you're a family. Sometimes you guys will get underneath each other's skin. It's what brothers do and sometimes you have to ignore it if it doesn't make you happy. All Jack wants is for you guys to get along with each other." Evelien said softly.

Marvin sighed softly as he looked down at Anti; he knew Evelien was right and that he shouldn't have done what he did; he was just getting sick and tired of Anti's pranks, but he now knows two wrongs don't make a right.

"How long will this potion last? Jack's going to be gone for three weeks. I'd hate for him to come home and see Anti like this." Evelien said as she looked down at the toddler combing her hand through his soft green hair.

"I don't know, I haven't dealt with a potion like this before. It could take weeks or months for it to wear off. I could try making an antidote, but I don't know how long it'll take to make it." Marvin said, looking at Evelien with a soft frown.

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