What am I doing?!

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It's the second day of the final week and Marvin has until Friday night to get the antidote done. He had failed a couple of times, but he was eager to keep going. While he was working on the antidote he couldn't help remember how Anti acted this morning. It was worrying him a bit when it was time for breakfast Anti didn't move from the couch at all. Marvin had to get up and carry him to the kitchen and even though he was sitting at the table Anti still didn't bother to eat the plate that was in front of him. Anti's behavior is different; it's like he's in that dark mindset and just doesn't want to come out of it. It was worrying everyone; they've never seen the small glitch act so depressed before they didn't know what to do. Marvin sighed softly leaning back in his chair trying to get all those thoughts out of his head. It distracted him and he knew if he kept thinking this way he was surely going to mess up again.

"I guess I should take a break...I have been working on this since breakfast, besides I need to get more things for it anyways."

Marvin got up from his desk and left his room, making his way down the stairs, into the living room. When he entered he saw JJ and Jackie sitting on the couch watching a superhero movie. Marvin walked over to them and sat down in the middle sighing softly. Jackie looked over at the magician and smiled softly.

"You okay, bro? You seem a bit upset about something." Jackie asked, setting the remote to the side.

"I'm fine, it's just I'm worried about Anti is all...He's been acting weird. He's usually happy and excited, but now he's just depressed..." Marvin said, frowning a bit.

JJ frowned and held up his hands to sign, 'You're not the only one who's worried. I tried spending time with him earlier. I asked him if he'd want to make sock puppets with me, but he declined. Something is wrong with Anti, he's never usually like this.'

Jackie frowned a bit at what JJ just said. The hero did have to agree Anti was acting a bit strange then he did before maybe something was seriously wrong.

"I'm going to go talk to him and try and figure out what's wrong." Marvin said, getting up from the couch.

Marvin made his way back up the stairs and walked towards Anti's room. When he was standing right in front of it he heard nothing but silence coming from it. Marvin knocked at Anti's door softly.

"Anti...it's me Marvin, can I come in?..." Marvin asked, leaning against the door.

"Y-Yes..." Anti replied from the other side.

Marvin opened the door and saw Anti laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. Marvin frowned noticing how depressed Anti looked, he was a bit concerned for the little demon. He walked over to Anti and sat down next to him giving the demon a small smile.

"What are you up to? Are you just laying here doing nothing?" Marvin asked, chuckling a bit hoping he'd lighten up the mood.

Anti just sighed and sat up looking at the magician a bit annoyed. Anti wasn't in the mood to talk right now; he just wanted to be left alone.

"I-I'm just chilling out. Can you leave me be?" Anti said, getting up from the floor and walking over to his bed.

Marvin was a bit confused on why Anti wanted him to leave. He got up from the floor and walked over to Anti who was currently laying in bed.

"Anti, are you okay? If something is bothering you, you can tell me." Marvin said, frowning a bit.

Anti groaned in annoyance, turning away from the magician's glance, "I just want to be left alone!"

"What's going on? Is everything alright?" Marvin asked, sitting down on Anti's bed.

Anti sat up immediately and glared at the magician angrily. He didn't want to talk anymore and he was slightly getting annoyed.

"Marvin, get out of my room! NOW! I want to be left alone!" Anti said, looking at the magician annoyed.

Marvin was surprised by his little outburst, but did what he was told, trying not to upset the demon anymore. He got off his bed and walked out of Anti's room, closing the door behind him. There was something seriously wrong with Anti and he just wanted to help him anyway possible. As of right now Anti needs to be left alone hopefully he'll be okay at lunchtime. Marvin walked back into his room and closed the door behind him leaning against it. After a few minutes of standing there he decided to try working on the antidote again. He walked over to his desk, sitting down and getting back to work.

A few hours have passed and Marvin was almost out of the ingredients he needed for the antidote. He has been messing up quite a lot and he was running low on the ingredients he needed. He needed to run out to get some more ingredients for the antidote he knew he was getting close to making it perfect. He walked out of his room and made his way down the stairs into the kitchen where Evelien was. He told Evelien where he was going and she understood completely. The magician waved goodbye and made his way out of the house. Anti watched as Marvin exited the house and began walking down the sidewalk. Once he was out of sight he knew it was time to grab the book. Anti knew the magician wasn't going to be gone for long so he had to act fast when it came to Marvin getting more ingredients for his potions. He's very quick on coming home to start working again. Anti walked over to his door and opened it looking down the hallway to see if the coast was clear when he saw that it was he made his way to Marvin's room luckily the door was opened a bit. Anti opened the door and entered Marvin's room looking around for where the book might possibly be. He walked over to the magician's desk and climbed onto the chair. It was a bit of a struggle, but he managed to pull himself up, standing on the chair looking all over the desk for the book. When he spotted it he went to reach out for it only to freeze as his thoughts started to overcome him.

"What the hell am I doing?! Am I really going to take the book and hide it from Marvin! This is crazy! Marvin is making the antidote to make me an adult again! Why am I even after this book?!"

Anti started to slowly move his hand away from it, "He's been working his ass off for the past three weeks now! Am I really going to take this away from him?"

Anti shook his head trying to clear those thoughts away, reaching out for the book again, "No! I want to be like this! It's the only way Marvin and the others will ever hangout with me! I want this!"

Anti grabbed the book and smiled happily, "I'm just going to hold onto this. No one is going to know it was me. I'll just hide it in my room for a while."

Anti got down from the chair still holding on to the book. Once he was down he turned around to walk out of Marvin's room, but he immediately froze when he saw Marvin standing there from outside his room.





"Shit! I'm in real trouble now!"





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