Q&A + thank you!

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Hey, so this story might have loop holes or things that don't quite make sense. So this chapter exists.

Please feel free to ask any questions or write any theories here:

I promise I'll try to answer them as best I can.

Also, be sure to let me know what you thought of this story here:

I really enjoyed writing it. It was interesting to focus on a different writing style and develop that character of Death. My favourite part was probably how Death couldn't deal with jumping. Like after everything Death's seen and been through, the idea of a jump haunting them is really interesting to me. It just goes to show that everything seems harder to deal with when you're dealing with guilt.

Thank you for all the support I've received on this. It's been amazing and I've loved seeing you all give your theories about who the author was. I was a little apprehensive to write a character who isn't autistic because that's what most people read my stuff more, but the support has been and is still incredible. Just a massive thank you to everyone.

It's also been amazing to represent mental health and the struggle involved. I personally have had my own battles with it and have found this book very helpful at being able to get it off my chest. If you are struggling with your own mental health please don't be afraid to reach out. I am here, as are so many people in your life. Take it from someone who gets it, I promise it gets better. Not immediately and man some days suck, but you got this! You're strong and this is just the start of things. Keep it up!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed you awesome people!

I'm writing this today, this part, after what has happened. I've announced I'm leaving wattpad and for a while, and possibly forever. But I don't want to leave you guys with nothing, you mean so much and all your messages are going to stay with me forever.

I had big plans for just me and him, but I feel weird writing it now, so I won't. I'm going to find a way to end it that feels respectful and that is going to take me a while, but I'm going to try and get there. 

Truth is, this has had a massive impact on me. I lost my neighbour to cancer only a few months ago, he was around Techno's age and like me, autistic. He was a massive role model for me, and when he died, it felt like I had waited too long to get to know him. He went downhill really quickly, I was told he had been diagnosed with cancer only a few days before he died. And throughout that time, and in the weeks after his death I found an escape through wattpad. I found comfort and support at every turn, and I found a way to express everything I was feeling. 

After hearing the news today, I've been hit with 2 lumps of grief. One being grief for Techno and for his family and friends. I'm just some random kid on the internet who enjoyed watching his content. So I have such huge respect and many condolences for his friends and family who were so close to him. The other being for my neighbour. Cancer has affected my family in many ways, I lost my grandma to it, my other grandma just about survived and even just a few months ago, my great aunt was facing it. It is horrible and it destroys life, everything about life.

So I urge you all to stay safe, to enjoy life. To live a life. To spend time with the family members and friends you hold dear. Because yesterday was one of the best days of my life, and today really isn't. Life changes, and the best thing we can do is live through it.

Thank you. And never give up hope, because when you give up hope, you have truly given up. Live good lives.


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