Despicable words

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  It's been cold lately: everyone on the ship seems deflated and out of energy. Nobody wants to do anything. Nobody.

  Since I've met my captain, I thought we would stick together and live through the tragedies. He promised that we would live through it together... he promised.

My captain wasn't very infamous, but he did live up to being a good pirate in many islands; Alabasta, water seven, fishman island, etc.
But our adventure stopped when our crew encountered Dressrosa.

Captain Shinki.
That was his name.

Opening my eyes, I witnessed two crew mates jump off of the the ship. Another two killed themselves with their own weapons. I was the only one left on this wrecked ship. The ship could still sail but just barely.
I was alone.

Walking around the ship, all I could do was contemplate. That was what I was best at doing anyway. But, I was actually reminiscing about my crew. Nothing can replace them. Nothing can replace my captain. But, that's what I thought at the time.

Looking up from the destroyed flooring, I spotted a huge ship.

Yah, I'm dead

My crews ship was still in Dressrosa territory so I knew this ship belonged to somebody there.

All I could do was tumble down on to the splintered wood and stare at the pink ship that was slowly continuing to approach me.
I stared for what seemed like hours, and finally began to hiccup with laughter. "My crew... My Captain... T-they're, they're-" I said, cutting myself off with a dramatic outburst of tears and laughter, squeezing my hands into fists, trying to rub my eyes as hard as I could just so that I would stop the tears from flowing. I could see my self in a third person point of view; my (h/l) (h/c) hair was stuck to my wet skin; my dark blue shorts and my pink spaghetti strap top were all ripped up and soaked with tears; my mouth was wide open, showing a huge frown. I wanted to shut my lips from the salty tears running down into my mouth, but I couldn't close my mouth. I was a mess.

The pink ship appeared right beside mine within a few minutes.
I was still trembling with sadness and disparity, and my tears couldn't stop flowing from my eyes.

I tried to cough up all of my sadness away, which worked only a few times when something serious and unexpected happened.

I saw a man with a fluffy light pink coat. I already knew this man was going to kill me. I've heard about Doflamingo from many people in the new world: "He's a man who sells drugs and weapons to several infamous pirates and people," "He works under Kaido...and he's a warlord...".

Yah. I'm dead.

The tall man walked in a slow but weird manner. If I could make a joke about how weird he was walking towards me I would but I don't even have the mental capacity to giggle at his walk. All I could do was glare at him with dead eyes.

The man finally jumped over to my ship, looking around with a cynical smile.

I don't know why, but I think I've just unlocked a new fear.

I began to move my mouth, but my words couldn't escape. He averted towards me, giving me a wider grin.

"So this must be the ship everyone has been jabbering about. Only one of you survived? Fufu, I can tell that you're barely even alive."
I glared at him with hate and sorrow. I knew the slightest expression would get me killed. "Oh, so you do have other emotions...? Your captain must have been a real asshole; leaving you and your crew just so that he could escape from reality and plunge into death." In response to his immature words, all I could do was sit on the floor with my head down and my legs open.

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