2am fanfic session 😘

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Hunter Pov:

"Your mission is to slay the selkidomus, I have a ship ready in the docks of bonesborough, bring Y/n with you too" Emperor Belos's voice booms throughout the empty room. I nod my head and start to walk towards the door.

"And don't come back empty handed, Hunter" His words sting like poison. I nod again and make my way out of the room. 

When I open the door I bump into an ugly red midget, she was probably listening to our conversation, again. She scurries off and I see Y/n, waiting for me to give them today's assignment. 

"So," They say "what's the plan for today Goldie?" I sigh glaring at them, annoyed by the nickname.

"We need to capture and kill a selkidomus, I have a ship ready, lets go" I say while leading them through the doorway and outside of the castle. We walk through the bustling streets of Bonesborough to get to the dock where our boat is. 

I give the captain a nod as Y/n and I board the giant ship. 

Y/n Pov:

Goldie and I go into a room inside of the boat where we sat down and waited for all the crew members to start hunting the selkidomus. 

The room is very small. The uncomfortable ambiance of the room is very present becuase we both kinda just sit there, not talking. I look out the window at the vast, misty sea. From my window it looks so serene, yet everyone working on the ship may disagree from what I can tell. 

Suddenly I hear the sound of someone eating? I look over to see Goldie turned away with his mask slightly tilted upwards. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was eating the Kraken Crisps he ever so sneakily brought on to the ship. 

"You know you can just take off your mask, Golden guard" I said while smirking and slowly stepping over to him to try and get a glance of his face under his mask, although he notices me and quickly pulls his mask back down and faces me. He stands up.

"Oh but if I took it off you would get distracted by my attractiveness and we need to complete this mission" He puts a hand on my shoulder and walks past me. My face heats up-- from anger obviously. 

"How about I take my mask off and we'll see who gets Goldie~" I say flirtatiously to try and catch him off guard. I can tell he is about to say something sarcastic before we hear the door to the room open. Goldie grabs my hand and we hide in a dark corner so that whoever is here doesn't see us. 

"Hey! King want a cracker!" A small voice cries out. Then I hear a small gasp and a small creature walks over to the table with Goldie's snack. It eats one of Goldie's crackers, then notices and envelope on the table it's standing on. 

"Huh,?" It picks up the envelope "Is that the emperor's sigil?" It asks. The creature lights up the room and sees all of the emperor's stuff. 

"This ship belongs to the emperor?" He says, shocked "Oh boy, I gotta tell Luz". Goldie comes near the creature and steps towards it from behind. 

"Unfortunately you won't have the chance" He says and immediately puts the bird-dog-rat thing inside a cage of some sorts. Suddenly the ship shakes and me and Goldie fall over, we get up and hear a lot of commotion. We both look out the window and see everyone on the crew trying to capture the selkidomus. Then suddenly everyone starts yelling, the money is gone. 

We follow the human to a small island. I don't hear much but I can see that Eda the owl lady is there and is telling the human something about getting killed. Because Goldie is a dramatic attention seeker, he makes his flashy entrance.

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