Chapter One

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- Tom POV -

I let out an exasperated sigh as I drove to the filming studio in my black Cadillac.

I was supposed to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend, but the studio called last minute saying they needed something, so I promised Julie we could go next week, but she just angrily walked away.
I pulled up to a fancy-looking metallic building with many floors and windows.

I pulled the keys out of my car, pushed the door open, and stepped out to see a man a couple inches shorter rushing toward me.

"Oh, Tom, bloody hell, thank god you're here!" He exclaimed, panting.

"It's no problem, Zak." I clearly lied, "What's the matter?"

When he finally caught his breath, he looked up at me. "The studio just came up with a new plan for a musical, and you were casted for it. They're also hiring dancers." He said, showing me a clipboard with a list of names, including my own.

My eyes widened. "Hold on, a musical? Don't we need to sing for those?" I said, making audibly anxious noises.
One of my biggest flaws, singing in front of other people. (A/N #relatable)

"No duh sherlock, it's a musical." He gushed, slightly rolling his eyes.

"Err- Zak- Y-you know I can't sing!" I said, stuttering.

Zak just sighed, shaking his head,

"I've heard you sing, Tom. You'll do just fine. Plus, we've already posted that you've been casted for this, And we're hiring dancers and other actors to join you."


"Which dancers? Do you know?" I asked the shorter man.
Zak blinked. "Uhm- Let me see," He said, beginning to look through the papers on his clipboard.
He began to read the lost out to me, until one name in particular caught my attention.

"And, Mark Nathaniel."

Mark Nathanial? The internet phenomenon?

"Wait wait wait, the Mark Nathaniel? Like- The online sensation?" I said, the words flowing out of my mouth like water in a dam.

Zak nodded. "If I am correct, that's him." He said, and my face flushed red.

Mark Nathaniel, a 6'8" guy from Los Angeles with the fluffiest dirty blonde hair that always swayed to the right, and a pair extremely beautiful blue-gray eyes that I could never describe. He has a pretty privilege, I'll tell you that much.

I spaced out, and I guess Zak noticed, because when I returned, he was waving his hand in my face and saying my name.

"Helloooooooo? Tom? Tom Simons? Tommy-? You there, big man?" He asked, seeming nervous.

"Wh- Oh uh, yeah of course!" I said.

He just looked at me as if his mind was playing tricks on him.

"You sure?" He asked once more.

"Mhm, right here." I responded.
"You flushed and spaced out when I mentioned Ranboo, bud. You positive you're alright?"

I did?

"Positive." I said, nodding to him.

Oh hell- he's so pretty though- Wait what? No Tom, focus, You have a girlfriend.

"Alright, we'll have the dancers tomorrow so if you want to meet your beloved, he'll be there."

I hummed in response as he walked away. "Yeah, oka- wait, Hey! I'm straight, man!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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