part 3

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Sonic and the others all wake up at 8:30 sharp
"Hey guys, wanna go to a restaurant today?" Sonic asks

"Yeah Sonic! That's so sweet of you! Thank you!" Amy replied

"It think he meant for everyone, amy. Anyways im down!" Tails said

"Me too" "Same here"

"How about we all go at 6pm tonight?"

"Yes!" They all say
"HAHHAHAH!" MY EVIL ROBOT IS ABOUT TO RULE THIS TOWN!" Dr. Eggman said as he swooped in with his Egg Mobile

"Eggman, what is it now?" Sonic said while in his pjs

"MY EVIL ROBOT, well, his name is sadbot, IS GONNA RULE THE TOWN!! HAHAHAH!"

The sadbot stays still

"Um, well there are some malfunctions, ah! THERE, NOW SADBOT, BREAK THIS TOWN DOWN! HAHAHAHAH"

"Cmon guys! lets get him!"

Sad bot crys big tears out of his eyes while flooding the whole town

Sonic and all of his friends are trying to hold back from the big waves sadbot is making

"Guys! if we get to the engine part of the robot, we can make a malfunction with water, and end the crashing waves!" Tails said while getting crushed by the water

They all look at him

"Get to the back of Eggmans bot, open the latch and throw a bucket of water in there."

"On it" Sonic says

Sonic speeds through the waves and jumps up to Dr. Eggmans robot. He opens the latch and throws water in there. The machine finally sparks and falls to the ground while sucking up all the water it made.

Sonic jumps down to the ground with everyone laying down. They all stand up and give a high five to Sonic. "Lets finally go get dinner." Sonic adds in

"Good idea!" Amy says
They all walk to the towns 5 star restaurant and the server walks them to a big booth. Sonic goes in the left side of the booth first. The red leather booths makes it easy to slide in. Amy sits right next to him. Then Knuckles goes on the other side. (Across from Sonic) And Sticks also sits next to Knuckles. Tails also scoots next to Sticks. The waitress walks over and says, "Is there anything i can get for you guys today?"

(They all order their food and drinks)

"Sonic, you were really cool out there." Knuckles said

"Oh thanks Knux"

Amy could feel Sonics heart beat getting faster

"Sonic, you were so cool!" Amy said as well

Sonics heart beat got slower

"Thanks Amy"

Amy felt jealous
As time went by their drinks were here. Then their food.
"Mm! this is so good!" Amy said trying to get Sonics attention

"Yeah, surprisingly this is the best chili dog I've ever had."

Amy looked over to Sticks, "Sticks, why are you eating the fork?"

They all get back home and they're stuffed.
"Well gang, im gonna hit the hay. Goodnight everyone." Sonic said

"Night!" "Goodnight" "Yeah see you in the morning!"
Amy was up all night thinking of Sonics heartbeat. (Why did his get slower when i was talking?!.. ugh, its probably just a coincidence. Or is it?) ..

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