Act 1 - Chapter 2: The Target

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Stalker and Nomad walk into the bridge of a Paris Class Frigate

Stalker: do we have to do this?

Nomad: you want to get paid don't you?

Stalker: I wanted to have a 3 way with those sexy Togruta ladies!

Nomad: I will never understand you

just then, a hologram of a Spartan appeared before their very eyes. he wore blue and cyan armor, and his visor was as Yellow as a Jedi Temple Guard's lightsaber. this was their boss, Wetwork

Wetwork: an update on the target, gentlemen?

Nomad: I have located Allison Tano. she is here, just like you predicted

Wetwork: excellent

Stalker: my contacts say she's trying to find her father. so far she's beaten up 10 people, including one Lux Bonteri

Nomad: why did you call out Bonteri specifically?

Stalker: apparently she believed he had the biggest motive, being a romantic rival and all

Wetwork: whatever she believes, she cannot find out the truth. when you get the chance, find her, and terminate her

Stalker: you got it

Nomad: understood

cut to the planet Exegol, and Wetwork hanging up and turning around

Wetwork: well Darth, she will be terminated

the camera then pans, revealing a shriveled up and deformed Darth Sidious

Sidious: goood..... gooooooooood..... will that brat Ahsoka go along with her?

Wetwork: if she is as protective as her file says, most likely

Sidious then grins, and begins cackling evilly

Allison POV

I walk inside the apartment and lay down on the lounge, letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding

???: ehem

I look up and see Mum looking down at me

Allison: what?

Ahsoka: no armor in the house young lady

Allison: this is an apartment

Ahsoka: armor off. now

Allison: allow me to give you my rebuttal

I then flip her off

Ahsoka: really? that's your rebuttal?

Allison: yes

she then uses the force to flip me off of the lounge and onto the floor


I hear giggling. I look up and see Zinee, my little sister, laughing at me

Allison: shut up

I get up and turn to Mum

Allison: fine I'll take off my armor

Ahsoka: good

I walk into my room and very reluctantly rip my armor off. I put my clothes on and the second I step out of my room, Zinee assaults me with a hug that I'm pretty sure could suffocate me

Allison: Zinee..... crushing..... windpipe.....

Zinee: sorry

she lets go and I pat her in the spot between her montrals. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of coke, and a bottle of Mum's Vodka. I begin mixing the drinks when Mum and Zinee walk in

Ahsoka: Allison what do you think you're doing?

Allison: getting a drink?

Ahsoka: you're too young to be drinking Vodka young lady

Allison: says the one who got wasted at 15

she remains silent as I finish making up my drink

Ahsoka: shut the hell up

Allison: AH UH AH! no! none of those words! there is a child present!

Ahsoka: Zinee's 13 Allison

I hug Zinee tightly

Allison: she is an innocent little snowflake and I will protect her until the day I die

Zinee purrs as Mum sighs a sigh of defeat

Ahsoka: fine, whatever

she walks into the living room and Zinee, after grabbing a cookie, follows. I grab my drink and turn to the window, looking out at the busy streets of Coruscant. I miss my dad... he said he'd return, but its been 13 years. maybe- no, Allison, don't think like that. Mum told you he's just Missing in Action. that means he's alive. he has to be. I sigh sadly and whisper

Allison: one day dad... one day...

I take a sip of my drink, and join my family in the living room

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