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The first Aikotama was born

The first Aoki was born

Kasumi's grandma was born

World War 2 begins

Luxiom invades Sarima

Sarima wins World War 2

Kasumi's grandmother finds her love of her life

Kasumi's grandmother buys a small house in Braazam, Sarima

Kasumi's mother is born

Ren Aoki is born

Kasumi adds a basement to their house.

Kasumi Aikotama is born

Yukimatsura officially opens

Kasumi attends Yukimatsura, she eliminates everyone who showed love to Aoki Ren

Kasumi stands on trial and is proved innocent.

Kasumi is promoted to Strawberry, Queen of Strawberry

Ren is promoted to Vanilla, King of Vanilla

Sarima is renamed to "Sargnia"

CarlosYT is born

AprilYT is born

CarlosYT enrolls to Yurigawa Middle School Sector

AprilYT enrolls to Yurigawa Middle School Sector

Strawberry is found dead in the caramel kingdom

CarlosYT's journey begins, he obtains the Adventurer's Sword, and defeats the Final Boss.

Universal Collision takes place, and defeat Luka, Skiromo, and regain World Adventurer's Memories.

Universal Collision: New Dawn takes place, meeting new faces, and stopping the chaos

Universal Collision: Season 3 takes place

Unrecorded Futures takes place

Universal Collision goes Omiversal

"Tick tock, time is ticking..."

Universal Collision: 1980s

Thanks for reading!

Universal Collision: 1980sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora