Chapter 2

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P.O.V: Author

At the day of the Meet-and-Greet Iwan was a little bit nervous to facing his Sunbae again, as soon as he entered the classroom, he noticed that he wasn't around yet, that made him feel a bit freer, so he sat down and waited for Fey or Akito to arrive. “Why are you looking so desperate Iwan?'' as soon as he heard those words, he knew it was Fey. He turned around to see Fey standing behind him, Akito was no were to be found. “Where did you leave Akito?'' He asked to change the subject. “Well, I thought he is with you, but he is nowhere to be found, I tried texting him and asked if I should pick him up so he wouldn’t be late again. But he didn’t even receive the message.'' Fey's face turned a bit blank as she said so. Iwan was trying to text him too as soon as it was going to deliver the message someone already took his phone out of his hands. “Hey what the hell makes you think-'' he turned around to see Lamany Sunbae looking at him. “L-Lamany Sunbae? What are you doing?'' he said as he looked a bit stunned in the face of the older one.With his deep blue eyes he stared Iwan straight into  his soul. “He is sick, he won't come'' Lamany gave him his phone back and turned around. “Did Akito tell you? Is it bad? Does he need something?'' Fey asked him, worried for her friend’s wellbeing. “Urg, he is just fine, he told me that Iwan found a place and wanted me to lead the way there because he knows how confusing Iwan’s directions can be'' Iwan pouted hard after hearing that but then just grabbed his phone and sat down again “Pfff what a fucker” he said while bringing his books out because class was about to start.

P.O.V: Fey

I could see that Iwan was really hurt by the words that supposed to be Akito's, but I couldn't imagen Akito saying something like that to Iwan, he knows how sensitive he can be. I looked to the Sunbae who was ignoren me constantly. They didn't even introduce me as the second Vice-President back when they introduced themselves to Akito and Iwan. ‘I just hope that everything is okay. I guess I just go and check for myself if everything is okay with Akito and ask him if this was true.’ So, I sat down next to Iwan and tried to cheer him up a bit and told him that I’d go to a friend to ask her for a flavour before we go to the Meet-and-Greet. He didn’t complain which was suspiciously weird because he was always the clingy one who wants to go with us the whole time because he doesn’t want to be left alone. So, when class was finally over, I gave him a big hug and went home to make some soup and tea to bring to Akito’s hous. As I arrived, I knocked on his apartment door. “Akitoooo? I know you are home, pls it's me Fey. Open the door for me please, I made some soup and tea for you to make you feel better'' I waited a few seconds till the door swung open. “Oh, heyy what’s up?'' He asked while looking completely fine. I was a little bit confused. “Uhm well how are you feeling? Lamany Sunbae told us that you are sick, and you are not going to take part at the Meet-and-Greet too soooooo…'' as soon as I finished my sentence, he looked furious, “What?? Why would I not take part? Yeah, I've been feeling a little sick on the way too school and so I turned around to see Sunbae walking behind me so I asked him to tell you guys and the teacher that I couldn’t make it today, but I totally wasn't telling anything aboutme not being at the Meet-and-Greet. Gosh what’s up with this guy?! He even told me that it was cancelled because there are some issues so I should just stay home and rest!'' he said totally over himself as he was letting me in. I was putting my bag on the table and started unpacking the soup and tea. “So, you are coming?'' He nodded. “Good and now eat. Lamany also told us you said that Iwan was bad at giving directionsor something along those lines. You can imagine how down he was. You must talk to him'' he looked even madder than before. I told him too cool off for a while because this didn’t help us anyways, so we sat down and ate a little bit of soup and drank tea while talking about Lamany and Iwan. Something was off with Lamany. ‘It's like he is hating on Iwan but at the same time he wants to destroy our friendship. Is he a sociopath???’

P.O.V: Iwan

As I was getting ready for the evening, I chose a nice outfit. I was thinking about the events that had happened throughout the day and the things Lamany told us about Akito. I shook the thought because I really had to get ready. ‘If I arrive to late, Lamany will be hating me even more. No one hated me before. I don't want to be hated. It feels gross to be hated, even when I don't like the person, I still want them to like me. Maybe this isn’t a good idea but it’s the only way to go through school. Well at least it’s not a big deal if someone really hates me but it still hurts, and the way Lamany looks at me is scary. Although he is good looking.’ I shook my head to brush of my thoughts and checked myself in the mirror.  “Hmmm, I hope Akito has a good explanation for not coming. But I hope he is okay. Hopefully nothing too serious'' On my way to the meeting I began to worry about him more and more “Please be okay you Idiot!!! I miss you already''

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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